Why I do eat "Fast Food" three times per week and still remains to be well-nourishedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in CCS2 days ago (edited)


Source - @cryptopie

I don't eat either from these fast food chains and below.


Source - @cryptopie

I remember during that first time that I went for my dialysis, the nurse that operates the dialysis machine told me that during the dialysis process I can eat and drink everything that I want because in his logic my blood will get cleaned-out anyway. So prior and during my dialysis sessions I would eat as much as I can because of the belief that my blood will get cleaned because I was still have no clue on how things work about the dialysis process. Later after many years, I figured-out that I should not be eating during dialysis because any food that I will be having at that point when I am hooked-up to the dialysis machine will not entirely be cleaned because the digestion process takes time to finish-up.

But it took so many years until I stopped eating inside the dialysis clinic because the nurses always insisted that we should eat so that we will not experience bouts of low blood pressure and low blood sugar condition. I also had been accustomed of eating while hooked-up prior, and so it happens that everytime I would get my dialysis, I will be eating and also about my belief that it will support my blood pressure particularly from those later times that I had been a dialysis patient using Gabapentin to give me some sleep aid and pain relief but depressed my blood pressure whenever I would be hooked-up for my dialysis.

So my fear of experiencing these years of troublesome hypotension attacks while hooked-up at the dialysis machine because of my gabapentin use had pushed me to eat during my sessions. Luckily I realized that using gabapentin also relaxes the heart during dialysis which is why I was experiencing these obtrusive hypotension which later made me get the fear that maybe someday I will not be able to tolerate dialysis anymore which is why my current nurses in my current dialysis clinic now had limited the drawing of accumulated extra fluid in my body in-between dialysis schedules to just around 3 Kilos or three liters of water. Also I had experienced many years of bad dialysis quality because the nurses just thought that I really cannot tolerate a normal dialysis treatment.

Later I was able to talk to one of the senior nurses which took heed of my situation of not getting enough quality dialysis because I am always feeling nausea, having hiccups, and that general feeling of fullness (of toxins) and getting my breath smell like ammonia all the time. Thanks be to God that the nurse that I talked with is reasonable and took action which is why I am getting cleaned better now than before. The result is that I can now eat much better with enjoyment after my dialysis sessions lately because I am getting hungry now than before because blood sugars and other protein compounds in my body as well as the intended toxins which must be taken out are all getting cleaned off from my body altogether with an additional intensity which makes me want to eat after getting home.

But I only want to eat that particular fast food item from the particular convenience store near my dialysis clinic which is a bowl of rice with some fried meat and then some extra gravy which I had gotten to like eating as I developed a taste for it already. The serving of the fried meat pieces and rice serving had gone down considerably lately because of inflation. The once heavy bowl of rice that I get is now sadly had been cut back to compensate for the store's overhead profit. Well it is OK I guess because I will not be able to eat that much meat because my diet calls for it but it is just frustrating that our money now has a very weak purchasing power compare before.

Anyway, I do confess that I eat fast food three times a week after my dialysis but it just consists of fried meat pieces with gravy over rice plus some extra rice but had been cut back in serving size. It is a good meal to replace the protein compounds and maybe electrolytes that I lost after my dialysis session and satiates me good considering that I also take Moringa powder in capsules everytime that I would eat plus a serving of fruit and then my preferred drink of watered down brewed coffee and that will make a very nutritious and satiating meal for me already.

Now I do not eat anymore inside the dialysis clinic even though they had allowed it already because we got prohibited from eating inside the dialysis treatment area during the onset of the CoViD virus where even the nurses in Hazmat suits cannot possibly pee because of the risk of virus getting in or out from their bodies, it was really hard not because I cannot eat but because of the hard and worrisome uncertain situation that CoViD had done to me and my parents to the point that I have to pay extra for the copay which is now a thing of the past because of the support of my government's improved service for us dialysis patients about not to worry anymore about copays and our other dialysis needs.

Anyway, I can still eat during my dialysis session but I have no one to assist me because I only have one arm and had that I will be using while my left arm should stay still because it has the arteriovenous access. So eating while I am half sitting on that uncomfortable reclining chair is also had for my lungs as the sitting position squeezes my lungs too and much more if I would eat, and plus eating all by myself is already one factor that I had forgone eating inside the treatment area because they are not allowing the guardians or relatives of the patients to go inside anymore prior to the CoViD pandemic. I now just sleep my dialysis session time away but just suck on two hard menthol candies one immediately before and then the other one about one hour before my session ends.

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ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ɪᴍᴀɢᴇs ᴀʙᴏᴠᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴡɴᴇᴅ ʙʏ @cryptopie 𝘶𝘯𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

El título de tu publicación llamó mi atención de inmediato. Me preguntaba qué clase de comida rápida sería tan nutritiva.

Tu experiencia de diálisis y la comida me impresionó aún más. Nunca hubiera imaginado que durante un procedimiento así permitieran consumir alimentos. Me parece inapropiado. Mi mamá es enfermera, aunque no se especializa en hemodiálisis, le preguntaré.

Me parece lo más acertado comer luego, la hipotensión es muy desagradable y peligrosa.

Respecto a la calidad de los alimentos, deseo, por tu salud, que no tengan alto contenido en sodio ni grasas, y de alguna forma contengan vitaminas y minerales.

#wewrite @inspiracion @solperez

 2 days ago 

Sólo consumo trozos de carne magra de cerdo frita en porciones muy pequeñas de la tienda de comestibles que me compra mi padre o mi madre mientras estoy dentro de la sala de tratamiento de diálisis.

Cuando llego a casa espero unos momentos antes de comer y consumo mi comida con hojas de Moringa en polvo en cápsulas que preparo utilizando mi equipo capsulador. También consumo fruta con la comida para obtener fibra y nutrientes adicionales. Por eso mis comidas son nutritivas, a pesar de que las compro en una tienda cercana a la clínica de diálisis.

También es uno de mis alimentos favoritos por su sabor, aunque ahora las raciones son 1/3 más pequeñas que en años anteriores, sobre todo antes de la CoViD y de la guerra de Ucrania, que causó muchos problemas financieros en todo el mundo.

De todos modos, se recomienda comer antes del tratamiento de diálisis para que el paciente pueda evitar la hipotensión porque se cree que la sangre se concentraría en el estómago si el paciente come mientras está conectado a diálisis, pero de todos modos, mis enfermeras y nefrólogo nos permiten comer, aunque no todos los pacientes comen mientras están en diálisis ahora en mi clínica.

Comprendo, olvidaba que mencionaste lo de la fruta, los vegetales también son un gran apoyo a la nutrición.

Qué interesante que prepares tus propias cápsulas de moringa, ese es otro detalle muy importante, evitar los elementos extra que provienen de las industrias farmacéuticas.

Como usuario de hemodiálisis conoces muy bien esas condiciones buenas o más beneficiosas para tu cuerpo.

Gracias por ser tan amable de responder. Mis mejores deseos por tu salud.

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