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RE: Writers, Don't Compare Yourselves

in #writing7 years ago

I love this post, for several reasons. LOL First and foremost though--you are right. We can't compare ourselves to others. BUT, if the work others produce inspires us to write fiction that changes the world--or some corner of it--then we have discovered firsthand the power of good storytelling. :-)


YES!! "Fan Fiction" is a manifestation of that. Hugh Howey *encouraged * it -- all these writers, swept up in Howey's world in the "WOOL" omnibus, penned their own stories set in the Wool-verse. This is happening all over in books. I realize it's not the same phenomenon you describe, Rhonda (one great novel might inspire you to write your own great story). There are times when it's okay to say "Hillbilly Hell" addresses one apsect of this theme, but "HK" probes deeper into the underlying whatevers of the same region....