This is the time to band together as Americans to stand up for our rights.

in #virus2 years ago (edited)

Millions of people have been injured or killed by this virus. Why has nobody asked those responsible to be held accountable?

People ask what can I do? How can I help?

You can send a letter to your State's Attorney General asking them to do their job and protect those they have sworn an oath to protect. Demand they convene a grand jury and bring criminal indictments against the perpetrators.

What is the purpose of the grand jury?

While grand juries are sometimes described as performing accusatory and investigatory functions, the grand jury's principal function is to determine whether or not there is probable cause to believe that one or more persons committed a certain Federal offense within the venue of the district court.

Now is the time. All we ask is you fill out a simple form which will build a letter respectfully requesting your State Attorney General's attention in this matter. The letter builder on this website will pre-address your letter to your state's AG. The automated system will also include a cover letter you can personalize and a letter of indictment written by Dr. Richard M. Fleming that lays out the case for a Grand Jury to be assembled. The letter of indictment includes links to evidence that show the listed individuals have broken the law. Simply print the completed letter and mail to your State Attorney General.

When you are done with mailing your letter, please ask 10 friends or family members to do the same. Share this campaign on social media encouraging others to stand with you. One letter may not be heard but tens of thousands will!

May God bless each of us in this endeavor. If God is with us who can stand against us? May God bless America and May God bless you.