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RE: I Reversed Cavities and Regenerated my teeth. Here's how.

in #vegan7 years ago

GreaT article !! - ))
NICE TEETH .. i'm jealous !! - ))
.. with a PLAN OF ACTION !! kick ASS !! - ))

AmazinG TiminG me finding this .. reSTEEM from @olteanu
Electric TeetH .. at specific times, i can FEEL the lack of glow - ((
100 % ... a plan of action - ))

thanks ))

greb'Z )


Glad you enjoyed it! Follow the plan of action! Btw those aren't my teeth. I should get a picture teeth look similar; they're just not as straight :D

Gott'YA !! - )))
ThankS for the ARTiCLE !! - ))

.. and, !!! OUCH !!! .. so beTRAYed .. not YOUr TEETH - (((
... i was so .. ?? .. CertaiN .. ((sob sobbing)) .. ! - ((((

... ha ha ))))))))

i'd BeTTeR get the ... HEY FUN !!! - ))) ... message !! ??

THESE "ARE" my TeetH !! - ))
.. ha ha )))

greb'Z )

please plst the piscture over here ?? !!! - )))
... a FUN PosT ... and, not mine - )))
... later i'm going to reply - ))

YOU will see why i'm so PUMPED anout your post !! - ))