[2023-02-28] Daily English

in #upvu2 years ago

1 . News

Title : How South Korea can make aging healthier and happierr

Turning to the flip side of the demographic chart, though, South Korea also has the world's lowest birthrate ― just 0.81 in 2022.

번역 : 하지만 인구 통계학적인 관점에서 이러한 현상의 이면은 한국이 2022년에 0.81명의 가장 낮은 출산율을 기록한 국가라는 점이다.

2. Words

  • demographic : of or relating to the study of changes that occur in large groups of people over a period of time, of or relating to demography
  • come of age : to reach the age when you are considered an adult, often used figuratively.
  • encompass : to include (something) as a part see also