5 Reasons to visit Brasilia

in #travel8 years ago

![] (Congress)

Olympic games are happening in Rio de Janeiro, no doubts one of the most beautiful places in the world.
I thought of inviting you to consider taking the opportunity and come to Brasília. Give my city the chance to enchant and surprise you!


Here are my 5 special reasons:

1 Ten soccer games will occur in our “Mané Garrincha” stadium, that’s located in the center of the city, near the mainly hotels.


2 You will spend really little money, as R$ (real) is not high priced in comparison to dolar and euro. Brazil economic situation is great for visitors!!!! All prices are under the normal too. Today local tv showed hotels giving above 40% discounts on the normal price, as they have only 30% of the capacities occupied.
Anyway, it’s always better to visit Brasília on the weekends, when the city is less crowded.


3 Average temperature
While the rest of the country has extremes, Rio Grande do Sul being extremely cold, and Amazonas being extremely hot and umid, Brasília stays all the year with no big variation of temperature.
![] (Sarah and Marli)


4 Brasília is a very much worth seeing city. Oscar Niemeyer (https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Niemeyer), who was responsible for about fifty bold and beautiful buildings, was an architect worldly known because of his geniality.

![] (Cathedral)

Brasília is famous too because of its wonderful sunsets. I’m not sure the reason, but the sunset is something remarkable. Maybe the reason stays in the quality of the air - no pollution. There are laws prohibiting high buildings so, from all the city you have sights of the horizon.

![] (Simone and Juscelino Kubitschek bridge) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juscelino_Kubitschek_bridge

5 Brasília is unique. Among all the cities in Brazil, Brasília is different: it was planned in the shape of a bird or an airplane; it’s organized in sectors; you have the atmosphere as if you were in one of the big cities in Europe. Civility is everywhere. Cars stop for people crossing the streets. People who lives here is interested in their own problems, not the neighbor’s ones.


It has the calm you don’t find in other big cities as Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo, in traffic, in danger, in quality of life. It was well planned, so, everywhere you see green: in extensive parks and inside the residential area. On the afternoon is common to see people walking in the places specially planned around their apartment blocks. Even the people being so polite and no interested in other’s people life, we are Brazilians. You can count on our friendly manners and good will to whom visit us.


You can find all kind of information about Brasília online. My purpose here was to give my point of view, as I chose this city to live.


My special thanks to my nieces Simone and Sarah, and my brother Júnior,, who went with me yesterday to take the photos. They even accepted to be in them!!!! My family is really something special!
The photos were taken by Simone.



hi marli, this is a great post I really enjoyed reading about your home city.

uhuhu thank you very much, Phoenixmaid. You can tell the effort my family made for me, hein? I love this city and wanted to show it to the world!!!
Thank you a lot!

It's fantastic that your family came out to support you here. mine pulled together to help me make the video I posted here last night.
I'm visiting my home city this week I'll have to get out and about and post about it.

I'm going right now to watch your video. Good travel!!!!