Explore the Future of Technology and Finance at New Tech Sphere 2024

in #trading5 months ago

On June 22, the New Tech Sphere 2024 online conference will be held, dedicated to technology, decentralization, blockchain and trading. Registration is already open. The number of participants is limited.

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Register for the conference for free: Telegram Bot or Official website

What to Expect

Event organizers invite tech fans, traders, investors, entrepreneurs and crypto enthusiasts from Europe, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, India and Latin America

  • Hear from leading market experts as they delve into the latest technologies of 2024 first-hand.
  • Learn about new decentralization technologies and financial opportunities related to them.
  • Grow your networking relations within the tech and crypto industries.
  • Connect with peers, industry leaders, and innovators in an engaging environment dedicated to growth and learning.
  • Participate in draw for a chance to win high-tech prizes. Details are only available to registered participants.

Last year's NEW TRADE SPHERE 2023 conference attracted more than 120 thousand live viewers on YouTube and Binance Live! This conference promises to be just as interesting.

Event Details:
Date: June 22, 2024
Time: Starts at 13:30 UTC
Venue: YouTube LIVE
Languages: English, Russian, Spanish
General sponsor: Dexnet Technology
Registration options: Telegram bot or Official website

Sign up now and be at the forefront of the next big wave in technology and finance.