Daily top posts in category: science on 2024-09-15

in #steemstats6 days ago

Daily top posts in category: science on 2024-09-15

No Payout Author Title
17.155 SBDjorgebgtLa proposta di Elon Musk affinché l'umanità diventi una specie multiplanetaria.
27.073 SBDnecho41Elon Musk potenzia il Colossus, il supercomputer Nvidia più grande del mondo
31.939 SBDmauromarGerman scientists have just discovered hydrogen powder/Científicos alemanes acaban de descubrir el hidrógeno en polvo
41.822 SBDmauromarNew device that uses body heat to generate its own energy/Nuevo dispositivo que aprovecha el calor corporal para generar su propia energía
54.715 SBDmauromarFloating solar panels designed to operate in extreme marine environments/Paneles solares flotantes diseñados para operar en entornos marinos extremos
60.187 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Big X Flare and CME, Level 3 Solar Storm Predicted, Top News | S0 News Sep.15.2024 🌠
71.703 SBDmauromarMembrane created by MIT scientists to decontaminate water/Membrana creada por científicos del MIT para descontaminar el agua
82.225 SBDlupafilotaxiaElementary aspects of the biological process photosynthesis
92.351 SBDamestyjHow a silage trial with grass and cassava could be established.
104.055 SBDjorgebgtCreates the heaviest antimatter core.
110.204 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: More Solar Flares, Sun's Impact on Weather and Volcanos | S0 News Sep.14.2024 🌠
120.145 SBDiotman🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: The Moona Lisa 🪐
131.990 SBDmauromarResearchers manage to create logic gates without electricity/Investigadores consiguen crear puertas lógicas sin electricidad
140.036 SBDiotman🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Find the Man in the Moon 🪐
150.244 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Solar Flares, Level 3 Geomagnetic Storms, Top News | S0 News Sep.13.2024 🌠
162.876 SBDamestyjAgriculture: feeding the world
172.449 SBDcahlenHealth Potion
180.306 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: X Class Solar Flare, CMEs Coming, Plasma Bubbles | S0 News Sep.12.2024 🌠
191.085 SBDjorgebgtThe Starliner is back
200.029 SBDjorgebgtScientific curiosity, the race for the most advanced robot.
211.946 SBDmauromar1,000 AI-created characters form their own society in Minecraft/1,000 personajes creados con IA forman su propia sociedad en Minecraft
221.240 SBDjorgebgtThe super soldier for 2050.
230.031 SBDpgveerweak #newspeakliberal arguments
244.937 SBDnecho41Il lavoro che ti dà Elon Musk per addestrare i robot
250.049 SBDjorgebgtHumanity as an Interplanetary Species.
260.084 SBDjorgebgtScientific curiosity; the future of evolution.
271.294 SBDjorgebgtNASA partners with BP America to exploit resources on the Moon and Mars
280.290 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Space Weather, Hurricane, Galactic Cores, Laschamp | S0 News Sep.11.2024 🌠
292.079 SBDmauromarNASA's first solar sail deployed in space/Desplegada la primera vela solar de la NASA en el espacio
300.154 SBDcotinaTop: Publicaciones seleccionadas bajo la etiqueta #cotinast del día 11/09/2024 por @vivigibelis