Daily top posts in category: science on 2024-07-21

in #steemstats2 months ago

Daily top posts in category: science on 2024-07-21

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184.858 SBDun-stoppableবিজ্ঞান আর্শীবাদ না অভিশাপ?
21.591 SBDmauromarNASA call: seeks volunteers from all over the world to photograph “red goblins”/Convocatoria de la Nasa: busca voluntarios de todo el mundo para fotografiar “duendes rojos”
310.753 SBDlegunaNo. They can not cure or even treat Alzheimer's in mice.
42.147 SBDmauromarNew magnetic levitation train capable of using conventional railway lines/Nuevo tren de levitación magnética capaz de utilizar las líneas ferroviarias convencionales
52.090 SBDim-riddIl Mondo al Microscopio: Episodio 8 - Esplorando le Spezie 🌶️🔎
62.548 SBDmauromarNew study shows that LUCA is much older than we thought/Nuevo estudio demuestra que LUCA es mucho más antiguo de lo que se creíamos
70.189 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Rapid Geomagnetic Changes, Solar Forcing, Flare Watch | S0 News July.21.2024 🌠
87.196 SBDkork75Super udito nei topi: La rivoluzione della neurotrofina-3 (by @kork75)
91.403 SBDdanish578Exploring Synthetic Biology
101.849 SBDjorgebgtArtificial grass that cools the environment.
117.961 SBDjorgebgtLa prima fabbrica senza uomo della storia
120.256 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Solar Watch - Flares and CMEs, Mars Mystery, Sun Physics | S0 News July.20.2024 🌠
131.967 SBDmauromarUnited Kingdom, first European country to authorize the sale of cultured meat/Reino Unido, primer país europeo en autorizar la venta de carne cultivada
142.706 SBDamestyjAlternatives to maintain the microbial activity of the soil
150.057 SBDiotman🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: King of Wings Hoodoo under the Milky Way 🪐
160.245 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Big Earthquake, CME Impact Tomorrow | S0 News July.19.2024 🌠
170.047 SBDchirieleisonWhy the Wet Market Origins is Probably False
183.678 SBDjorgebgtMartians for a year, what it's like to live on Mars
191.063 SBDjorgebgtThe new generation of satellites equipped with AI.
201.705 SBDmauromar'Strawberry', OpenAI's new secret project/'Strawberry', el nuevo proyecto secreto de OpenAI
211.493 SBDsmoveLooking Into Chest Pain Issue
220.323 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: CME Impacts Coming, Magnetic Pole Shift Cycle | S0 News July.18.2024 🌠
231.469 SBDdanish578The Fascinating World of Quantum Computing
241.890 SBDmauromarInnovative system to turn fallen tree leaves into paper/Innovador sistema para convertir en papel las hojas caídas de los árboles
250.036 SBDiotman🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Apollo 11 Landing Panorama 🪐
260.188 SBDcotinaTop: Publicaciones seleccionadas bajo la etiqueta #cotinast del día 17/07/2024 por @vivigibelis
270.025 SBDjorgebgtMeteorite in the skies of New York
280.043 SBDydavgonzalezProblema Matemático del día 18/07/2024
290.073 SBDjorgebgt“Confirms” the existence of huge caves on the Moon.
300.062 SBDjorgebgtScientific curiosity; The earthquakes of the goals of the Euro Cup final