Easy way to delegate SP using SteemWorld

in #steemit7 years ago

Recently I have been asked very often by some steemit newcomers about delegating SP to another account.

Personally, I used to do it by using Steemconnect following this link: https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=yourname&delegatee=hisname&vesting_shares=123456.000000%20VESTS

I have to recognise that, despite it looks pretty easy, you have to do some calculations in order to transform the amount of SP you want to delegate in its equivalent amount of VESTS and that, complicates a little bit the life of the poor steemian newcomer that find it difficult to do it.

Then, my recommendation is to use SteemWorld.

It is really more intuitive and visual and you don't have to do extra ''calculations'' while trying to understand what is SP, VEST etc...

So, here a simple guide:

How to delegate SP, step-by-step guide:

1) Go to https://steemworld.org/@your-account-name

You will see the following:

2) Click on ''Balances'' button at the left column:

At the right side of this panel you will see ''Delegate SP...''. Click there.

3) Once you click there, a Pop-up window will appear:

  • Introduce in the field ''To Account'' the name of the account on which you want to transfer delegated SP.
  • Insert the amount SP to be delegated in the field ''Amount(SP)''. So, if you want to delegate 200 SP just write it there:

  • Click OK and another window will appear asking for ''confirm delegation'':

  • If everything is fine click on ''Yes''. A Pop-up window will appear asking to insert your ''Active'' Key:

3)Where to find your ''Active'' Key:

  • In steemit go to your wallet and click on ''Permissions'':

  • Once there you will see your ''ACTIVE'' Public Key but you need your ''ACTIVE'' Private key, so click on ''Login to Show'' at the right side (put you steemit general password in order to do so)

  • Click on ''Show private Key''

  • Copy the ''ACTIVE'' Private key:

  • Back to the SteemWorld pop-up window, paste the key there:

How to ''un-delegate'' SP

  • Very easy, essentially you can follow the very same process and put any SP number you want. If it is ''0'' the delegation will be removed and you will get your SP in your wallet in 7 days time. If you want to vary the amount of delegated SP, just change the number and continue as I explained with the step-by-step guide.

  • Also you can ''Edit'' your delegation by going to ''DELEGATIONS(OUT)'' panel in SteemitWorld. There is a small icon of a pen on a notebook, click there and follow the process.

That's All Folks!!!



Thank you so much for this information: it is very helpful, useful and clearly written.

Thanks dear! appreciate your support!

Good tutorial. You should post it on utopian.io.

By the way - are you the person behind the runningproject and isotonic accounts?

I am considering delegating some SP and I would like to know more about the person(s) in behind it.

Of course dude! I'm the person ;-)

I thought so :)

Maybe it would be good to step out in the open as a creator and owner of these accounts and the project. You know, transparency and stuff :)

Well, ... thought was sufficiently clear but, I will do it.
Thanks for the advice and for the delegation to @isotonic
Now we just need people using the tool :-)

I'll do a promo post in the near future.

BTW, is your bot code an open source? When yes, you can put it into github public repository and then promote it, and the service, through utopian.io articles. Just another channel of promotion :)

Thaks @toofasteddie, thanks for your help to the newbies as me

I have just delegated 100 to isotonic, thanks for this explanation. I never knew it was THIS easy!

You got a 11.11% upvote from @redlambo courtesy of @toofasteddie!

thanks man truly helpfull

Awesome. I just delegated 1 STEEM to @isotonic. Cheers to all my fellow runners!

Great post @toofasteddie on how to delegate SP! Thanks for sharing this great information.

Regards, @gold84