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RE: Steemit - Realistic Observations After 6 Active Months

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey bro definitely feel your passion and pain in this post. I remember first starting at a reputation of 25 and working my ass off to post quality post and try to engage users. I met great people around the same reputation and a few days later I finally got to 26, I was super excited. Then I noticed someone who joined around the same time and reputation level explode to a level 30. I did not understand what those people could have possibly done in a few days to make their reputation explode. I later found out they had purchased Steem to improve their reputation level. I was pretty pissed off that here I am like you busting my ass and bandwidth to get peoples attention and here someone took the easy way out and bought their reputation.

I would be sad to see you go, but I understand how difficult it can be for someone to keep updating stats and work their ass off with little rewards. I wish I could upvote you and actually give you money, but my vote is not even worth .01 yet. Although, I am guilty for buying into this notion of buying Steem to give me more SP, I just was tired of not getting anyone to notice my post and like you busting my ass off in the fitness community.

You are a great inspiration and a leader who motivates many people to keep working at their fitness goals. Hope you finally get that whale or dolphin to support you and your efforts with our fitness community.