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RE: Tools for self-governance

in #steemit8 years ago

Gad! I had to unvote this post.
I thought this one was going out of the park, instead it was a complete shut-out.

They see many of the problems with the tools created on the internet, but missed the problems that are inherent with the internet. They also miss that inherent problem with databases. That databases are things that are designed to suck in information, they are not designed for anyone to ever see that information again

Boogle and F-c-book control and manipulate information because that is what they were created to do, not because of their database structure.

Sorry to leave without really make a real response. (Because that would be a whole book in itself.) But, I do hope these guys actually get somewhere with their project.


np, like I said, I'm still thinking about it.
Being a SW engineer, i'm not sure I agree with the bit you say about databases.

Or, I could say it in a different way, putting data into a database usually just requires work.
Getting useful information out of a database is where all the effort is. It takes a brilliant person to come up with a useful frontend for a database, and still, there will be entries in the database that will never be seen.

All business database problems I have run into dealt mostly with having junk in the database, since most users don't know what to do with it, how to fix it, or that it even causes problems.