Steemit Family -- What Crypto Are You HODL'g or SODL'g During This Crypto Uptrend Week in the Markets???

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Well another interesting week in Crypto!



We are in the midst of more recovery and uptrending from 3+ month's worth of "THE DUMPENING Part 4...5 and maybe 6... " --- a BIG one the last ~9 weeks.

We are used to seeing unprecedented growth in the entire Crypto Currency space, not just in Bitcoin.

-- Are you HODLing everything? SODL some?

-- Moved profits into one place or another?

What's your take on things here?

-- Share your experiences with us and we can all laugh, learn, help one another.

Total crypto market cap chart / 1 month view:

Thanks for dropping by....

-- please tell us what coins you are hodl'g or sodl'g and why?


Ive been trading hard, did very well this month! I need a vacation now :)) Had eos, btcp, eth, nem. All made me very happy


Well, for now on my own side all coins are on my holding list ... One which I love the most now is rebl (rebellious) it just launched a new project there by increasing it utility in the market and you also get rewarded for hodling ☺( staking) , and it had so much potentials as well.. Though it made me cry a while a go due to massive dumping because most don't really understand its potential , but now I am smiling 😁 gradually


Over the last few days I've mostly been SODLing TRX and have showed some nice gains.

Hodling LTC, NEO, ETH, BTC and a handful of staking coins with no unique purpose. Plenty of time for trading lately which is nice.