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RE: Your Guide to Narcissism: Understanding the Construct

in #psychology6 years ago

Hello @dysfunctional, that was a very interesting and informative read.

This “admiration strategy” is associated with the individual’s unrealistic grandiose fantasies, which final goal is to confirm their sense for uniqueness by using charming behaviour in the communication with others. We already know that narcissists are found appealing by others regarding short-term acquaintances (Paulhus, 1998).

Isn't that the definition of sociopath? :P

This “rivalry stratеgy” is charactеrisеd by dеvaluing and diminishing othеr pеoplе, by striving for uniquеnеss and by aggrеssivе bеhaviour. In tеrms of social intеraction, this stratеgy rеsults in social conflict, which thrеatеns thе еgo.

Such people often get aggressive when they cheat or do something unfair and then get caught. They can flip the whole script and even make you apologize for being suspicious about them in the first place. Master manipulators.

Thanks for the information!


Hello and thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words!
Indeed sociopaths have more complex characteristics. Narcissism is just one of them.
"Different" narcissists apply different strategies. Emotional duress is common amongst them all.

Thanks for the info! It was a pleasure reading this.
Keep up the good work! :)

Thanks for the support !