#VideoMeme - What have I done?! - Sending all STEEM earnings to SBI, makes rich one guy only

in #promo-steem5 years ago (edited)

Meme instructions:

  • start first video
  • hit play button on second video
  • mute first video
  • stop first video at the end of second one

Don't worry @tristancarax, there's a hope for you. Don't pay for votes! Join #newsteem and enjoy new price!


It is a pity that you appear to have misunderstood how the SBI program works. It is a way for sponsors to support other accounts via a long-term lockup of STEEM with someone who has shown themselves to be trustworthy and ethical over a very long period of time on Steem.

This benefits STEEM by reducing the amount of liquid STEEM that is sent to market for dumping, it supports small accounts that would otherwise never see the light of day from the "big" accounts...

This gift is done with the knowledge that we are essentially parting with 50% share of the SBI (the gifting portion) and the knowledge that this is an investment with risk and not a guaranteed ROI like the bidbots of #oldsteem.

This gifting is the embodiment of #newsteem... in the style of "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime".

The fact that there are many of us who are still willing to gift other smaller accounts SBI despite taking a additional negative vote from you should point out the fact that it is something that is done from caring for others rather than a return on investment, after all, if it was driven by economic gain, the rational choice would be to stop. Thus, there is the component that is not economically minded, and that is the gifting and support of others... however, in the modern world, these things are not seen to be important by many people...

I'm afraid no amount of reasoning will matter dear friend. He does not want to listen... his goal is to cause negativity and unrest... I can only hope he realizes he is ruining this positive place...

It never hurts to try to reach out and explain... People can turn off and stop listening and thinking, but it doesn't mean everyone should! The world is bad enough as it is....

Very well said my friend... a lesson I learned when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis...

Never give up...

You know what your problem is m8
Your a nice person
You look how to help others
Fact of life! people like that get fucked over.
How many participants of SBI in total?
Have a week, a flag a day each on targeted people attacking the project. seeing their rep go to minus figures might help them understand that there are people in the community who support the idea and people behind it

Especially if they are vote selling hypocrites!

Posted using Partiko Android

great you started downvoting me again for what? I giveaway SBI to winners of the @PIFC contest aka Pay it Forward. So I have to quit because you don't like it or deal with downvotes. Why do people like you have to ruin steem?

Do give up. If we band together, he can't do very much. It is this picking people off one by one that is hurting us.

You mean "don't give up" ;P

<3 <3

you started sending steem to sbi again...
stop spreading sbi shares around, it's like virus

Here's what I think you misunderstand about SBI and what it does to promote growth on STEEM...

It helps new Steemians feel confident to keep creating. They are told to come and add value to the blockchain, many spend months trying to get better....They do everything they are told to do, they create. They curate. The engage....

Most of the time, they are ignored by the blockchain....

So we encourage them in our tribe. We bring dozens of new Steemians over and tell them - Add value!

They do so by writing content, using the dApps and of course, buying Steem.

And to help them on their journey and make them feel welcomed....I send them SBI.

It's not meant for a 'circle jerk'....it's meant to encourage.

I'm grateful you don't downvote them, and I've accepted that you aren't going to discus this with us that support SBI so it is what it is...

It sucks because I think you could help our mission to encourage and support these new Steemians.
Your Steem Power could be used to help encourage them, it would be pretty awesome.

@mmmmkkkk311 is attempting to use his flags to intimidate Steemians into abandoning their support for @steembasicincome.

He baselessly claims it is a "ponzi scheme" which just shows that either he doesn't understand how it works or (more likely) he just doesn't understand what a ponzi scheme even is! And the blatant hypocrisy in him trying to fight "vote selling" when that is exactly what he did with his bidbot! As as bidbot owner with over a dozen alt accounts he is in no place to judge what is right or wrong here on Steem. Now he is mad that his scam has ended. So like an upset child, he has decided to take out his anger (caused only by his own failures) on other innocent people. Making him nothing more than a big bully!

MK admits to running a bidbot

Actual account who was "wrecked by @mmmmkkkk311 (for holding sbi shares)"


I am here to counter @mmmmkkkk311's bullying. I will upvote every post/comment that he downvotes. You can support my anti bullying upvotes by delegating (links below) Steem Power to @ilovemk311. And you can help keep this message visible by upvoting this comment or by purchasing SBI shares for @mk311isabully which will help to counter the downvotes that @mmmmkkkk311 will surely send my way. Which I highly encourage him to do as the more downvoting power he wastes on me the less he can use to downvote the real content creators here on Steem that would otherwise become his victims!

Choose a delegation amount

5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000


I ask YOU my fellow Steemians to help me take a stand for our Steem community.

With this jerk bullying innocent people we are seeing many great content creators leave due to the drama and negativity that @mmmmkkkk311's downvote campaign brings to the blockchain. While he claims he is trying to defend his investment he is actually unwittingly destroying it.

SBI is an initiative that has done nothing but help promote onboarding and community building here on the Steem blockchain. Let us not turn our back on it out of fear for getting downvoted. Instead lets stand up for this great initiative that has helped so many people and helped the Steem community to grow and thrive!

Thank you.

Geez, you send SBI to an account, thinking you're helping out and then you get two posts whipped by an account, that in the past has upvoted some of your posts. Bad form man. Really bad form. After a bit of research you find out they are on a personal crusade. Then you wonder why do large accounts always go to the extremes instead of trying to work with others to make things better. Instead they become Steem terrorists ranting, demanding and inflicting pain and causing disillusion, turmoil and chaos. It's really disheartening when this happens... have you even spoken to Joe? I have, face to face, he and his wife are good people. SBI is one of the more transparent projects on Steem. Why not use your Steem power to help projects and onboard new accounts, promote Steem? I doubt you'll respond(rationally) and will likely just blindly carry on with your crusade... we should all just start gifting you a ton of SBI shares, oh the irony.

So, I woke up this morning to find that you had 100% downvoted (with multiple accounts) all of my active posts, as well as those of @TribeSteemUp, the community account I run, supporting over 100 creators.

Care to explain?

  • I don't use bid-bots or any other form of vote-selling/-buying (and in fact use TSU's DV power to work against them, as we all spam.

  • The first post you flagged was literally delegated to @steem.dao, @null, and @steempeak.

What sort of terrorist are you? Hoping to make me remove my witness votes from someone like the last one or what?

Nothing wrong with your content. You are buying votes from sbi (91 STEEM) that means you are cheating on other authors and investors. I decided to return this amount (by using DV's) to the reward pool

There's a few problems with that:

  1. Gifting SBI to people is nothing like buying votes, it is locking your STEEM into a means of distributing it over time. There is 0 chance of getting a return on investment, it's just done to help others.
  2. You obviously don't have a problem with vote-selling or -buying, as you've admitted that you ran a bidbot
  3. You can't just attack people without warning if you want to convince them of something. If you have a problem with SBI, then present your case to people, instead of stealing their rewards.
  4. I've got over 4x your SP, and I'm going to counter-act your down-votes from now on, unless what you down-voted was actually crap.

You are part of the problem with Steem, and why it is as small and empty as it is. Random assholes who decide they have the right to punish others for any reason they want.

reward pool rape is a problem, rape your ass instead of the pool, you have so much SP and still want more? sick man

You're down-voting the content of people I'm supporting, simply because they are being supported by others and you're not. Stop pretending like this is anything but you being a jackass.

If you were actually concerned about people raping the reward pool, you would be part of @steemflagrewards, and using your DVs on the people actually buying votes from the many bidbots that are still active (and who still decide what hits "trending")

you have so much SP and still want more

I control that SP, it's not mine. It's delegated to me by a BUNCH of people, because they trust & support how I interact with this blockchain. I'm part of community here on Steem. What makes it great, and what folks like you never seem to understand.

All sounds good but you still don't understand that sbi is nothing different than a bidbot and got nothing to do with content discovery, it's about maximizing the ROI. There is only one way to maximize ROI - you have to cheat from reward pool: selfvoting 10 times a day, vote trading in a circle, bidbots

Look at this shit @ecoinstats , autogenerated post, all upvoted by sbi. Thats how vote selling works, sbi owner doesn't care for content, he just wants your money

You're assuming that everyone who is using SBI is doing it to reward themselves for crap content though, which is not the case. TONS of people use SBI as a way to give some support to the many folks on Steem who go without rewards and unrecognized.

Again, you already admitted to running a bid-bot, and you're not upvoting content that has actual purchased votes. The only thing I can think of is that you just have something against josephsavage, and you're lashing out at others in your frustration.

Stop pretending like you're trying to help the blockchain by randomly down-voting people for huge (more that $10 in just a day to me alone) amounts to "counter" the $0.15 they get once a week or so.

You link to some auto-generated posts as a way of justifying your $2 downvotes on my original content. You do realize how ridiculous you're being right?

PS: The only way to maximize ROI is to create original content that people upvote, do a TON of good curation, hold all your STEEM as SP, and be a witness. That's the beauty of Steem, it's systematically decentralizing stake, because unless you're interacting with all the pieces, your relative stake is going to decrease.

rrandomly down-voting people

Wrong. I'm downvoting vote buyers/reward pool rapers

@mmmmkkkk311 is attempting to use his flags to intimidate Steemians into abandoning their support for @steembasicincome.

He baselessly claims it is a "ponzi scheme" which just shows that either he doesn't understand how it works or (more likely) he just doesn't understand what a ponzi scheme even is! And the blatant hypocrisy in him trying to fight "vote selling" when that is exactly what he did with his bidbot! As as bidbot owner with over a dozen alt accounts he is in no place to judge what is right or wrong here on Steem. Now he is mad that his scam has ended. So like an upset child, he has decided to take out his anger (caused only by his own failures) on other innocent people. Making him nothing more than a big bully!

MK admits to running a bidbot

Actual account who was "wrecked by @mmmmkkkk311 (for holding sbi shares)"


I am here to counter @mmmmkkkk311's bullying. I will upvote every post/comment that he downvotes. You can support my anti bullying upvotes by delegating (links below) Steem Power to @ilovemk311. And you can help keep this message visible by upvoting this comment or by purchasing SBI shares for @mk311isabully which will help to counter the downvotes that @mmmmkkkk311 will surely send my way. Which I highly encourage him to do as the more downvoting power he wastes on me the less he can use to downvote the real content creators here on Steem that would otherwise become his victims!

Choose a delegation amount

5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000


I ask YOU my fellow Steemians to help me take a stand for our Steem community.

With this jerk bullying innocent people we are seeing many great content creators leave due to the drama and negativity that @mmmmkkkk311's downvote campaign brings to the blockchain. While he claims he is trying to defend his investment he is actually unwittingly destroying it.

SBI is an initiative that has done nothing but help promote onboarding and community building here on the Steem blockchain. Let us not turn our back on it out of fear for getting downvoted. Instead lets stand up for this great initiative that has helped so many people and helped the Steem community to grow and thrive!

Thank you.

@mmmmkkkk311 is attempting to use his flags to intimidate Steemians into abandoning their support for @steembasicincome.

He baselessly claims it is a "ponzi scheme" which just shows that either he doesn't understand how it works or (more likely) he just doesn't understand what a ponzi scheme even is! And the blatant hypocrisy in him trying to fight "vote selling" when that is exactly what he did with his bidbot! As as bidbot owner with over a dozen alt accounts he is in no place to judge what is right or wrong here on Steem. Now he is mad that his scam has ended. So like an upset child, he has decided to take out his anger (caused only by his own failures) on other innocent people. Making him nothing more than a big bully!

MK admits to running a bidbot

Actual account who was "wrecked by @mmmmkkkk311 (for holding sbi shares)"


I am here to counter @mmmmkkkk311's bullying. I will upvote every post/comment that he downvotes. You can support my anti bullying upvotes by delegating (links below) Steem Power to @ilovemk311. And you can help keep this message visible by upvoting this comment or by purchasing SBI shares for @mk311isabully which will help to counter the downvotes that @mmmmkkkk311 will surely send my way. Which I highly encourage him to do as the more downvoting power he wastes on me the less he can use to downvote the real content creators here on Steem that would otherwise become his victims!

Choose a delegation amount

5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000


I ask YOU my fellow Steemians to help me take a stand for our Steem community.

With this jerk bullying innocent people we are seeing many great content creators leave due to the drama and negativity that @mmmmkkkk311's downvote campaign brings to the blockchain. While he claims he is trying to defend his investment he is actually unwittingly destroying it.

SBI is an initiative that has done nothing but help promote onboarding and community building here on the Steem blockchain. Let us not turn our back on it out of fear for getting downvoted. Instead lets stand up for this great initiative that has helped so many people and helped the Steem community to grow and thrive!

Thank you.

@mmmmkkkk311 is attempting to use his flags to intimidate Steemians into abandoning their support for @steembasicincome.

He baselessly claims it is a "ponzi scheme" which just shows that either he doesn't understand how it works or (more likely) he just doesn't understand what a ponzi scheme even is! And the blatant hypocrisy in him trying to fight "vote selling" when that is exactly what he did with his bidbot! As as bidbot owner with over a dozen alt accounts he is in no place to judge what is right or wrong here on Steem. Now he is mad that his scam has ended. So like an upset child, he has decided to take out his anger (caused only by his own failures) on other innocent people. Making him nothing more than a big bully!

MK admits to running a bidbot

Actual account who was "wrecked by @mmmmkkkk311 (for holding sbi shares)"


I am here to counter @mmmmkkkk311's bullying. I will upvote every post/comment that he downvotes. You can support my anti bullying upvotes by delegating (links below) Steem Power to @ilovemk311. And you can help keep this message visible by upvoting this comment or by purchasing SBI shares for @mk311isabully which will help to counter the downvotes that @mmmmkkkk311 will surely send my way. Which I highly encourage him to do as the more downvoting power he wastes on me the less he can use to downvote the real content creators here on Steem that would otherwise become his victims!

Choose a delegation amount

5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000


I ask YOU my fellow Steemians to help me take a stand for our Steem community.

With this jerk bullying innocent people we are seeing many great content creators leave due to the drama and negativity that @mmmmkkkk311's downvote campaign brings to the blockchain. While he claims he is trying to defend his investment he is actually unwittingly destroying it.

SBI is an initiative that has done nothing but help promote onboarding and community building here on the Steem blockchain. Let us not turn our back on it out of fear for getting downvoted. Instead lets stand up for this great initiative that has helped so many people and helped the Steem community to grow and thrive!

Thank you.

Shitposting. My reaction to top 20 Tron witnesses news.

@mmmmkkkk311 is attempting to use his flags to intimidate Steemians into abandoning their support for @steembasicincome.

He baselessly claims it is a "ponzi scheme" which just shows that either he doesn't understand how it works or (more likely) he just doesn't understand what a ponzi scheme even is! And the blatant hypocrisy in him trying to fight "vote selling" when that is exactly what he did with his bidbot! As as bidbot owner with over a dozen alt accounts he is in no place to judge what is right or wrong here on Steem. Now he is mad that his scam has ended. So like an upset child, he has decided to take out his anger (caused only by his own failures) on other innocent people. Making him nothing more than a big bully!

MK admits to running a bidbot

Actual account who was "wrecked by @mmmmkkkk311 (for holding sbi shares)"


I am here to counter @mmmmkkkk311's bullying. I will upvote every post/comment that he downvotes. You can support my anti bullying upvotes by delegating (links below) Steem Power to @ilovemk311. And you can help keep this message visible by upvoting this comment or by purchasing SBI shares for @mk311isabully which will help to counter the downvotes that @mmmmkkkk311 will surely send my way. Which I highly encourage him to do as the more downvoting power he wastes on me the less he can use to downvote the real content creators here on Steem that would otherwise become his victims!

Choose a delegation amount

5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000


I ask YOU my fellow Steemians to help me take a stand for our Steem community.

With this jerk bullying innocent people we are seeing many great content creators leave due to the drama and negativity that @mmmmkkkk311's downvote campaign brings to the blockchain. While he claims he is trying to defend his investment he is actually unwittingly destroying it.

SBI is an initiative that has done nothing but help promote onboarding and community building here on the Steem blockchain. Let us not turn our back on it out of fear for getting downvoted. Instead lets stand up for this great initiative that has helped so many people and helped the Steem community to grow and thrive!

Thank you.

"Sending all STEEM earnings to SBI, makes rich one guy only." How do you know this statement to be fact?

Do you put any of your money into a bank or some other institution that keeps your cash secure? They say the best and smartest crooks own banks. Have you ever read The Creature from Jekyll Island? Oh, yeah, you're in Poland. I'm sure everything is on the level there. eyes roll

Would you rather us send you our steem? Would you be happy then? But, what are you going to offer in return? Thus far, you have been a drain on everyone.

Why should any of us trust you?

This is now personal for you?

Steem N' Roses: My Response to the Attacks on the SBI Community as a Whole by @tristancarax

Thanks for the feature. I'm proud of what I made. I'm proud that I stand up to bullies like you who only have money and nothing more to give this world. You're an empty vessel.

What is #newsteem and what is #oldsteem?

What reasons do you have that anyone should listen to you?

Why do you hate poor and/or homeless people so much?

What is stopping you from using your SP to further the platform instead of going after content creators that are following the rules and don't post spam, don't plagiarize, and don't try to scam people?

You've said that SBI is a scam. Where is your proof? EVERYONE is still waiting.

Yeah, you got me with the video this time - the one that leads to nowhere. funny. ha ha. I actually like classical music so I was looking forward to seeing how funny I would have looked. I guess I'll never know now. Darn.

Why do you hate poor and/or homeless people so much?

Lie. Listen to Beethoven:

All men will become a brothers...

That's what I belive.

@mmmmkkkk311 is attempting to use his flags to intimidate Steemians into abandoning their support for @steembasicincome.

He baselessly claims it is a "ponzi scheme" which just shows that either he doesn't understand how it works or (more likely) he just doesn't understand what a ponzi scheme even is! And the blatant hypocrisy in him trying to fight "vote selling" when that is exactly what he did with his bidbot! As as bidbot owner with over a dozen alt accounts he is in no place to judge what is right or wrong here on Steem. Now he is mad that his scam has ended. So like an upset child, he has decided to take out his anger (caused only by his own failures) on other innocent people. Making him nothing more than a big bully!

MK admits to running a bidbot

Actual account who was "wrecked by @mmmmkkkk311 (for holding sbi shares)"


I am here to counter @mmmmkkkk311's bullying. I will upvote every post/comment that he downvotes. You can support my anti bullying upvotes by delegating (links below) Steem Power to @ilovemk311. And you can help keep this message visible by upvoting this comment or by purchasing SBI shares for @mk311isabully which will help to counter the downvotes that @mmmmkkkk311 will surely send my way. Which I highly encourage him to do as the more downvoting power he wastes on me the less he can use to downvote the real content creators here on Steem that would otherwise become his victims!

Choose a delegation amount

5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000


I ask YOU my fellow Steemians to help me take a stand for our Steem community.

With this jerk bullying innocent people we are seeing many great content creators leave due to the drama and negativity that @mmmmkkkk311's downvote campaign brings to the blockchain. While he claims he is trying to defend his investment he is actually unwittingly destroying it.

SBI is an initiative that has done nothing but help promote onboarding and community building here on the Steem blockchain. Let us not turn our back on it out of fear for getting downvoted. Instead lets stand up for this great initiative that has helped so many people and helped the Steem community to grow and thrive!

Thank you.

Lie. Listen to Beethoven:


Screenshot 92.png

All men will become a brothers...

That's what I belive.

Ummm... okay. Skipping most of the questioning. How brotherly like is this? Posting a video that doesn't work and then calling me a lier for calling you out and having proof. How brotherly like is this?

I don't know if I ever want to call you brother. That is reserved for people who have my best interest at heart, of which you have not shown any.

Again, I like classical music. It is some of the best music in the world. Have you ever listen to post-rock? That is a lot like classical just with more guitar sounds.

Down voting a post that I specifically created using your sbi-skip (which I won't be doing anymore) and content specifically involving helping other's... that had nothing to do with you, or your childish tantrum game you are playing...

Bad form Jack

I'm not selfish, nor am I "milking" anything. I'm afraid you have the definition of "milking" wrong @mmmmkkkk311... or rather; you are referring to it in the negative context.

I don't think he knows what he is talking about. Ask him to define something and he runs.

I know my friend... and I am not trying to create any more negativity than he already has... I am having a rough time with my Multiple Sclerosis and health, and I did what I said I'd never do... reply and get involved. But this madness has to stop...

@mmmmkkkk311 is attempting to use his flags to intimidate Steemians into abandoning their support for @steembasicincome.

He baselessly claims it is a "ponzi scheme" which just shows that either he doesn't understand how it works or (more likely) he just doesn't understand what a ponzi scheme even is! And the blatant hypocrisy in him trying to fight "vote selling" when that is exactly what he did with his bidbot! As as bidbot owner with over a dozen alt accounts he is in no place to judge what is right or wrong here on Steem. Now he is mad that his scam has ended. So like an upset child, he has decided to take out his anger (caused only by his own failures) on other innocent people. Making him nothing more than a big bully!

MK admits to running a bidbot

Actual account who was "wrecked by @mmmmkkkk311 (for holding sbi shares)"


I am here to counter @mmmmkkkk311's bullying. I will upvote every post/comment that he downvotes. You can support my anti bullying upvotes by delegating (links below) Steem Power to @ilovemk311. And you can help keep this message visible by upvoting this comment or by purchasing SBI shares for @mk311isabully which will help to counter the downvotes that @mmmmkkkk311 will surely send my way. Which I highly encourage him to do as the more downvoting power he wastes on me the less he can use to downvote the real content creators here on Steem that would otherwise become his victims!

Choose a delegation amount

5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000


I ask YOU my fellow Steemians to help me take a stand for our Steem community.

With this jerk bullying innocent people we are seeing many great content creators leave due to the drama and negativity that @mmmmkkkk311's downvote campaign brings to the blockchain. While he claims he is trying to defend his investment he is actually unwittingly destroying it.

SBI is an initiative that has done nothing but help promote onboarding and community building here on the Steem blockchain. Let us not turn our back on it out of fear for getting downvoted. Instead lets stand up for this great initiative that has helped so many people and helped the Steem community to grow and thrive!

Thank you.

Is it evidence for "Get in the ring" based on Beethoven? 😂

@mmmmkkkk311 is attempting to use his flags to intimidate Steemians into abandoning their support for @steembasicincome.

He baselessly claims it is a "ponzi scheme" which just shows that either he doesn't understand how it works or (more likely) he just doesn't understand what a ponzi scheme even is! And the blatant hypocrisy in him trying to fight "vote selling" when that is exactly what he did with his bidbot! As as bidbot owner with over a dozen alt accounts he is in no place to judge what is right or wrong here on Steem. Now he is mad that his scam has ended. So like an upset child, he has decided to take out his anger (caused only by his own failures) on other innocent people. Making him nothing more than a big bully!

MK admits to running a bidbot

Actual account who was "wrecked by @mmmmkkkk311 (for holding sbi shares)"


I am here to counter @mmmmkkkk311's bullying. I will upvote every post/comment that he downvotes. You can support my anti bullying upvotes by delegating (links below) Steem Power to @ilovemk311. And you can help keep this message visible by upvoting this comment or by purchasing SBI shares for @mk311isabully which will help to counter the downvotes that @mmmmkkkk311 will surely send my way. Which I highly encourage him to do as the more downvoting power he wastes on me the less he can use to downvote the real content creators here on Steem that would otherwise become his victims!

Choose a delegation amount

5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000


I ask YOU my fellow Steemians to help me take a stand for our Steem community.

With this jerk bullying innocent people we are seeing many great content creators leave due to the drama and negativity that @mmmmkkkk311's downvote campaign brings to the blockchain. While he claims he is trying to defend his investment he is actually unwittingly destroying it.

SBI is an initiative that has done nothing but help promote onboarding and community building here on the Steem blockchain. Let us not turn our back on it out of fear for getting downvoted. Instead lets stand up for this great initiative that has helped so many people and helped the Steem community to grow and thrive!

Thank you.