Photography in Cebu Philippines

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Hi there Steemians!
Every time I went on my backyards early morning it is my SOP to bring my camera always just to take some stills on things that I want to capture like birds, insects, wild flowers and other that are new to me or pretty nice to look on pictures. The gear that I had is an entry level model on Nikon with 70-300 VC telephoto lens. This lens is pretty good in daylight shooting and the VC will help a lot in hand held shooting. What I like about telephoto lens is that it gives you creamy “bokeh” background that makes the subject standout. I personally shoot these pics in my backyard a couple of months ago. All of these shots are in Raw format and slightly edited in Lightroom and Photoshop and produced in Jpeg format. I only knew basic editing on these software.

Here are my shots as follows:

"Brown Shrike" We locally call this "Tibas" a common bird here in the Philippines.
I took this shot same day with the parol-parolan.

"Bloodymoon" A phenomenon just recently happened. I took this shot same location on the first photo.

"Blow Flies" are commonly shiny with metallic blue, green or black colouring in their abdomen.
I took this shot in a dump area.

"Jewel Bug" Known for its metallic shield bug due to their brilliant coloration.
I tool this shot with my 70-300mm lens. Maybe some here would say i'm using a macro lens.

"unknown flower" I don't even know the name of this flower it grew in the wild surrounding.

Local name "Parol-parolan
Scientific name "Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn" Known for its medicinal properties.
I took this shot in the barbwire fence along the street.

"Supermoon" I took this shot here in Lapu-lapu City Cebu just right in my house facade around 7:00 pm.

"Zebra Dove" a common bird here in the Philippines usually found in farm lands.

That's all for this blog, Thanks for your time steemians.