Riverphotography by @schamangerbert

An der Donau bei Neuburg, meine Heimatstadt.
On the Danube near Neuburg, my hometown.

f/14.0 3.2s ISO100 55mm

Bei sehr starkem Wind konnte ich heute nur wenige Augenblicke am Ufer aushalten. Kurz vor Sonnenuntergang wollte ich die wilde Stimmung mit Langzeitbelichtungen zähmen. Ist es mir gelungen?

In very strong winds, I was able to endure only a few moments on the shore today. Just before sunset, I wanted to tame the wild mood with long exposures. Did I succeed?

f/8.0 2.0s ISO100 21mm


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

      Schaman Gerbert      IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


I see a beautiful location and finally the river which is not yet frozen!


The photo you went well and even the flow of the river can be seen on your photos, well done!

It was worth so much effort, More than accomplished. Congratulations!

Quality photos :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Werden bereits Vorbereitungen für das eventuell kommende Hochwasser getroffen?

Top shots. Resteemed :-)

Very beautiful photos my friend. The river can be so calming and tranquil yet picturesque 4 photos. Thanks so much for sharing.