[ENG-SPN] Goya's fires / Los incendios de Goya

in #photography18 days ago


There was a well-known Spanish writer who once stated that God created the cat so that men could caress a panther. Following the thread of this meritorious reasoning, it could also be suggested that God's work went even further, in his magnanimous creativity, when he also created the Japanese maple, who knows, if with the preconceived idea that every autumn the man could put his hand over the fire without the implicit fear of burning himself.


Adhering to this circumstance and taking advantage of the position offered by this beautiful tree and its proximity to one of the most representative figures in our history, the painter, Francisco de Goya -an extremely lucid person who, paradoxically, lost his mind after dead- it occurs to me that it is as if his statue, located in the heart of the brand new Passage of the Light, without losing sight of the beautiful neoclassical building that is the Prado Museum, was recalling, without flinching, those same incendiary episodes of that Madrid of the year 1808, when the people's rebellion against the invading army of Napoleon, which consecrated him, more than the excellent painter that he already was, an incomparable chronicler of his time.


Hubo un conocido escritor español que afirmó, en cierta ocasión, que Dios creó al gato para que los hombres pudieran acariciar a una pantera. Siguiendo el hilo de este meritorio razonamiento, también podría sugerirse, que la labor de Dios fue todavía más allá, en su magnánima creatividad, cuando creó, además, al arce japonés, quién sabe, si con la idea preconcebida de que todos los otoños el hombre pudiera poner la mano sobre el fuego sin el temor implícito a quemarse.


Ateniéndonos a esta circunstancia y aprovechando la tesitura que ofrece este hermoso árbol y su cercanía a una de las figuras más representativas de nuestra Historia, como es la del pintor, Francisco de Goya -persona extremadamente lúcida, que, paradójicamente, perdió la cabeza después de muerto- se me ocurre pensar, que es como si su estatua, situada en pleno corazón del novísimo Pasaje de la Luz, sin perder ni un momento de vista el hermoso edificio neoclásico que es el Museo del Prado, estuviera rememorando, sin inmutarse, esos mismos episodios incendiarios de aquél Madrid del año 1808, cuando la rebelión del pueblo contra el ejército invasor de Napoleón, que le consagraron, más que en el excelentísimo pintor que ya era, en un inigualable cronista de su época.


NOTICE: Both the text and the photographs that accompany it are my exclusive intellectual property and, therefore, are subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



"Wow, what a beautifully written post! 🌳💫 I love how you wove together the Spanish writer's quote about cats, the Japanese maple tree, and Francisco de Goya's statue, creating a captivating narrative that transports us to Madrid in 1808. 🏯 The photographs are stunning as well! 👍 Your writing style is engaging and poetic, making me feel like I'm strolling through the streets of Spain alongside you. 😊 Can't wait to hear more about your experiences and adventures on Steem! Let's chat about this post in the comments below... 💬"