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RE: Why This Lifelong Environmentalist is 97% Sure That "Climate Change" Is A Scam

in #palnet5 years ago

I have known for a long time not to trust anything the media tells and certainly not any government, hence why me and my girls are not registered anywhere, don't take any assistance from them and don't pay any taxes.
We have a responsibility to be informed, all the information is there once you scratch away at the surface. How indoctrinated some of us have become believing that we are parasites and that we are doomed, how well that plays into the hands of the elite. Forgetting how we are a part of the natural cycles of the earth, we have our place just as all other life forms in this beautiful planet.
I remember when I done my permacuture design course a few years ago and realizing that I already knew all that I was being taught, that it is a wisdom that is imbedded within us all. We have a natural instinct to want to be of service to the earth, we are born fully aware of our connection.
But then so many of us were ripped away from nature, put into schools and taught how to conform.
I grew up in a very unstable home, but my sanctuary was always the natural world. I have carried that with me since I was a child.
My eyes wide open to what is really happening. The more disconnected people become the more they can not see.
And now here we are, divided and segregated in our beliefs, so much so that we reject our own power, our own connection, feeding instead into this very well orchestrated fear that segregates us more.
I remember being in Australia and hearing time and time again about water shortages, yet no one was talking about the millions of litres of water being used daily to cool down nuclear reactors, water that was then contaminated. Instead people were told how much water they were allowed to use.
This is such a confrontational subject, I have been called delusional when I have tried to point out how much propaganda is being shoved down our throats and been told I obviously don't care about the environment if I think like this, but it is because I care so much that I take full responsibility for how I live.
Sorry this turned out to be quite long winded, but I am with you 100% here, that is why my goal is to help rewild as many folk as I can xxxx


I can imagine how it is a tough sell, I tried it out down the pub yesterday - I'm very keen myself to go non dom and axe my tax pay-outs, that's a goal for this year, next year at the latest!