I Quit...

in #ocd4 years ago

People always say, “Quitting is for Losers”. I don’t believe them.

Sometimes in order to win, you will have to quit.

  • You deserve to be happy. That’s why you should Quit.
  • You deserve to be loved. That’s why you should Quit.
  • You deserve to be respected. That’s why you should Quit.
  • You deserve to be Valued. That’s why you should Quit.

Life is unpredictable. It is uncertain. So are people. And so are the Circumstances. There will be UPS and DOWNS. There will be Winning and Losing. And there will be a time when you will have to GIVE UP.

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Sometimes GIVING UP could be the only brave thing one could do. So TODAY, I say, That’s Enough.

  • I GAVE UP on Negative People because I don't want their Negative Influence on my life
  • I GAVE UP on Negative Thoughts because that is the Road to Self Destruction
  • I GAVE UP on Negative Emotions and Feelings because I deserve Happiness
  • I GAVE UP on Negative Habits because I want to live a Healthy Life

And Yes…

The most important of all…

  • I GAVE UP GIVING UP because Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit.

And when I am done with giving up everything negative around me, you will see me RISE like a PHOENIX. CUT THE NEGATIVITY from your life and you will see life at its best. TRY IT. You will too.

You should always know when to Quit
