New fantasy novel release: thrilling, passionate, and mysterious.

in #novellast month (edited)

Hello everyone!

I am a writer and I will be serializing my novel on Steemit. Please support me by upvoting, commenting, and following.

Here is the introduction to my book as well as the first chapter of the novel. I hope this brings you a wonderful day.

Book Title: The Wizard's Journey
Annotation: Grant me boundless knowledge, and I shall use myself as the fulcrum to move the endless world. The story tells of a wizard named Green, who relies on his own wisdom and luck to learn his unique wizardly knowledge, travels through different worlds, and participates in wars between various civilizations.


Chapter 1 The Wizard's World

Bang, bang, bang, the heavy door echoed with violent knocking sounds. Inside the small thatched cottage, Green, who had been sleeping under a tattered quilt, was instantly awakened. The numbness from the cold floor beneath his feet made him gasp, but Green dared not delay and called out, "Coming."

Ignoring his nearly numb feet from the cold, Green quickly put on his worn-out clothes, grabbed the leather jacket that served as a second quilt over the old cotton quilt, and opened the wooden door. The cold wind of winter blew in, mixed with ice chips, causing Green's body to shiver from the stimulation. Outside the door, Old Ham was huddled on a broken wooden cart, holding a whip in one hand and a smoking pipe in the other, smacking his lips. The cart left two tracks in the bumpy snowy ground.

"Hurry up, the road is not easy to travel today, and you'll be scolded if you're late," Old Ham muttered fiercely after taking a hard puff on his pipe.

"Oh, I know," Green closed the wooden door, quickly got on the cart, and everything was as usual. Ever since he started this stable job with Uncle Ham, he would hear him mutter the same thing every day.

Ham didn't say much more, and after one last hard puff on his pipe, he lashed the whip fiercely, and the old horse grunted, pulling the cart to continue on the bumpy snowy ground. Green leaned against the broken cart railing, looked at the dark sky, and closed his eyes again. Because according to past experience, in this kind of snowy weather, the old horse cart would take at least half an hour to get to the viscount's mansion in the city, and by then it would almost be dawn.

Leaning on the cart, Green smelled the familiar scent of dry tobacco and was very grateful to Old Ham from the bottom of his heart.

Green had been an orphan since he was young, often wandering in the city of Bissell with a group of orphans, living a life of begging and never having enough to eat. One day, Old Ham, who was old and childless, saw Green and thought he was quite clever. Thinking he had no children, he took Green back and chuckled, "When I die, these two thatched cottages and the old horse will be yours."

To be honest, these two rural thatched cottages and the old horse cart were really not worth much money, but they filled Green with gratitude towards Old Ham, considering him as his second set of parents.

As for the job that Old Ham and Green relied on for their livelihood, it was to arrive at the viscount's mansion in the city of Bissell before dawn every morning, clean up the large amount of garbage left behind by the noble lords after a night of revelry, and send it out of the city for disposal, and then purchase all the supplies needed for the next night's revelry in the viscount's territory.
This to and fro took up almost the whole day.

Half an hour later, the road became smooth, and the ground was paved with stone. Green, who had been dozing on the cart, woke up immediately without Old Ham's reminder, knowing that he had arrived in Bissell City and was about to reach the viscount's mansion. He quickly brushed the snow off his body, which was a way of tidying up his appearance.

Although often when Green and Old Ham arrived, most of the nobles who had partied all night at the viscount's mansion had already dispersed, and even if there were a few who hadn't left, those noble lords who were high above them would not even glance at these two lowly servants, and appearance was of no use at all. However, the old housekeeper of the viscount's mansion was a difficult character, always making things difficult for Green, who did odd jobs, waiting to get some benefits, and had more than once used the excuse of improper appearance to extort silver coins from Old Ham.

The two tall and strong knight guards at the entrance of the viscount's mansion had been guarding all night and were already exhausted. They glanced at Old Ham and Green, who were too familiar after years, and ignored them. Old Ham smiled apologetically, and Green jumped off the cart, lowered his head and entered the viscount's mansion, not daring to look around, and went straight to the luxurious hall that he had to clean carefully every day.

Originally listless, Green and Old Ham suddenly felt that the atmosphere today seemed to be different. They saw the old housekeeper of the viscount's mansion with a gloomy face at the entrance of the hall, a pair of fierce triangular small eyes staring fiercely at Green and Old Ham. After a quick trot, he came to the two and whispered harshly, "Wait here, block your ears, close your eyes."

"Yes, yes." Green and Old Ham quickly responded.

There was a faint noise coming from inside the hall. Although it was not very clear, it could be vaguely distinguished as a girl making a fuss. Instinctively, Green and Old Ham knew that it should be a big shot.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, the sky was completely bright, and Green and Old Ham were shivering with cold in the snow. The old housekeeper, who had been waiting at the entrance of the hall with a gloomy face, came over and whispered harshly, "If you can't stand it, don't come tomorrow."

Green and Old Ham changed their faces. After struggling several times, Old Ham took out a silver coin from his worn-out linen shirt and put it into the old housekeeper's hand, smiling repeatedly, "I can stand it, I can stand it."

"Hum." The old housekeeper skillfully put the silver coin into his pocket and ignored the two people. He anxiously waited at the entrance of the hall, looking inside from time to time.

Green couldn't help but whisper, "D*mn it, he just took advantage of us a few days ago, and now he wants more!"

"Ah, forget it, bear it. There are many people who want to do our job, and the old housekeeper wishes we would leave." Old Ham sighed. He was old and nearing the end of his life, no longer as hot-tempered as the young.

At this moment, a girl rushed out of the hall, wearing luxurious noble clothes, her delicate face covered with tears. She stopped beside Green and Old Ham and shouted towards the hall, "I just want my brother Ailun, I won't go to any Lilith cabin, and I won't become a wizard!" Seemingly still angry, the girl fiercely took out a book and threw it away, then ran out of the viscount's mansion.

"Rebellion! Rebellion! What are you two waiting for? Hurry up and chase her?" A big-bellied nobleman was so angry that his face turned red, and he roared at the two knights in armor beside him. However, what Green couldn't believe was that the usually high and mighty viscount was now helpless, smiling and persuading this big-bellied nobleman.

"Hum, what does she know? For that little lover, she actually gave up the wizard I invited at great cost? You know, in half a year, it will be..." In a hurry, the viscount left the viscount's mansion with this big-bellied nobleman, not even glancing at Green and Old Ham. As for that old housekeeper, he also hurriedly followed out, taking both gate guards with him and disappearing into the snow.

In the blink of an eye, the courtyard became empty and silent.

Seeing that there was no one around, Green instinctively wanted to pick up the book on the ground in front of him, but Old Ham stepped forward and knocked Green's hand with his pipe, whispering harshly, "Do you want to die?"

Green grimaced in pain and whispered, "Should be fine, right? If someone asks later, we'll just say we threw it away with the trash. It was on the floor after that noble lady dropped it."

Old Ham pondered, then looked around to make sure no one was watching, and nodded, acquiescing to Green's suggestion.
Green tucked the book into his clothes and then nonchalantly followed Old Ham to clean up the hall. The massive amount of trash left behind from the nobles' all-night revelry was swept into the cart.

No one inquired about the whereabouts of the book before they left, and Green didn't give it much thought.

After all, in the past, the trash would often be mixed with treasures that the noble lords looked down upon but that the servants were extremely happy to find.

Creak, creak...

The cart, loaded with a full load of trash, slowly left Bissell City.

Sitting on the cart loaded with a cart of trash, Green was no longer sleepy and suddenly thought of something. He took out the book he had picked up from his arms.

Frowning, as a servant working hard for the noble lords, Green usually does not recognize the characters. However, because Old Ham was an accounting apprentice for a shop when he was young, although the shop was closed later, he also learned to recognize characters and has taught Green in the past few years.

However, the reason Green frowned was that the handwriting on the cover of this book was not commonly used in daily life, and it was some unfamiliar characters.

After thinking for a long time, Green finally recognized these characters.

"'Nose Hunting Transformation and Smell Atlas'? What is this?"

Green stared, thinking it was a biography of a bard, which is also the favorite book of those noble ladies and sons, but did not expect that the noble lady just threw away a book with such a strange name.

Wait a minute!

Green suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened, full of inconceivable!

This should not be a book of wizards recording the mysterious magic of wizards, right?

Wizards have always been a topic that only noble lords are qualified to talk about, and ordinary people may not see the mysterious wizards in their lifetime.

In the eyes of ordinary people, wizards hold the mysterious magic, full of evil and mystery, and there are often rumors that wizards will do some large-scale massacres of civilians, eating children's eyes, and using ordinary civilians to do evil magic experiments.

But these wizards are easily killed because they can easily kill civilians and knights, and they have extraordinary power, which is awe-inspiring.

Even Green has fantasized more than once, what is the mystery of those mysterious and great wizards, and why can ordinary people not grasp it?

If he became a wizard and mastered the mysterious and great power, he would not have to look at the faces of those noble lords, right?

With an incredible look, Green quickly flipped through the "Nose Hunting Transformation and Smell Atlas" he had just got, reading every word, sometimes encountering unfamiliar words, and even thinking about skipping for a while.

Slowly, a shock began to appear on Green's face, as if he had opened the door to a brand new world!

The so-called smell is to distinguish the different volatile molecules in the air through the biological olfactory system, and the most irritating smell occupies half of the smell that the creature can distinguish.

According to the "Smell Atlas," normal humans can distinguish about 300 to 400 different smells, and occasionally some people with special functions can distinguish about 600 smells.

But this kind of smell is really pitiful compared to other creatures!

For example, the baby crying chicken, a creature that can make a sound like a human baby crying, according to experiments, this creature can at least distinguish more than 6500 kinds of smells.

And then there is the Yin butterfly, a magical creature that can only survive by collecting smells, which can distinguish more than 8200 kinds of smells...

The book mentions that the creature known to capture the most smells in the air is called the Cerberus, a creature that many wizards dare not provoke, and it can distinguish all the smells that wizards can separate, a total of 17852.

The sense of smell of the Cerberus is simply incredible!

"Nose Hunting Transformation," which tells the story of wizards according to their own physical condition, to some creatures with keen sense of smell to transform themselves, to achieve the perfect evolution of the sense of smell of the wizard knowledge book.

The magic wizard experiment involves a lot of strange materials, and there is a word that Green has not understood so far, the most appeared in the book, the cell?

"Green, Green!"

Old Ham shouted twice before Green came back from the magic book, and he hurriedly put away the magic book and helped Old Ham start to dump the garbage on the cart.

After dumping all the garbage on the cart, Green followed Old Ham to start buying goods on the viscount's territory according to the old routine, for the consumption of those noble lords tonight.

Busy until the evening, Old Ham and Green just transported all the goods to the city's viscount's residence, and then took a dozen copper plates and rushed back to the countryside. Green was still immersed in the "Nose Hunting Transformation and Smell Atlas" on the cart.

Old Ham looked back at Green and sighed, "You child, today is really obsessed, is this book so good-looking?"

Green smiled and didn't say much, but in his heart, he was full of longing and shock for the mysterious world of wizards.

Is there really a mountain life that can move in the world?

Is there a river flowing from the sky?

And what about those so-called foreign worlds?

What is the principle of wizards mastering powerful magic?

A series of questions emerged in Green's mind, but no one could answer.

"Ah, it's seventeen years old in the blink of an eye, right? Well, next year, I will renovate the house and see if I can find a suitable girl from a nearby family to be your wife, hoping that I can see my own grandson before I am buried."

Old Ham muttered.

Green casually mumbled without lifting his head, "What are you talking about? You are a long-lived old man."


Old Ham smiled and continued to drive the cart back to the familiar road.



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