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RE: Dakota Access Pipeline protestors win a victory - or do they?

in #news8 years ago (edited)

It could be that the powers that be are perfectly happy to give the opposition small victories, as long as they don't win in the end. Small victories like this could shift a public looking for a simple narrative* into thinking the big guys didn't win. It could be to curb or dissuade the influx of new protestors from around the country, including veterans and our very own @kommienezuspadt. It could reduce the underdog effect that these protestors and natives have been granted so far by being trampled upon.

*I'm guilty of this, often.


Agreed brother well said.

The next misdirection and treasonous false flag attack on the masses is always just around the corner.

TY for the reply! Nice to hear from you.

We have pipeline battles and standoffs here in #Canadastan and we are regularly lied to and attacked by the gov't and police state just like there, we just have 10x less people and media and coverage.

BC Pipeline fight with the Native and Indiginous people there are just the latest -- and more broken political promises as usual.

Politics is full of lies and corruption. I know, I have been boots on the ground activist for years and bee smeared and targeted and lied about and stalked.

... We Steem On, as @runridefly says