Digital technologies and it's effect on our life

in #motivation4 days ago

Daily, we see digital technology and AI in our lives. Since choosing choices is one of the hardest things to do, artificial intelligence offers to help us and make life easier.

Even though it doesn't make the choice, its programmed algorithms recommend "You will like this/People who liked this also liked this" to influence our consumption and spending habits.

However, internet services are becoming more common. In "contactless" and "socially distanced" lives, online goods and service transactions are rising, especially since the global COVID-19 pandemic. Holding its pros and cons together keeps digital technology in our lives.


Technophobia and Technophilia are new psychology concepts since technology has become essential to our life since the 21st century. Technophilia is overusing all technology-related equipment and tools, whereas technophobia involves avoiding them.

Technophobia believes that technology equipment will record a person's private information and give it to entities that may benefit. Due to spending a lot of time, energy, and drive on technology, technophilia might make it hard to fulfil essential life duties.

These two ideas remind us that balance determines life productivity. Students understand this from test anxiety. According to experts, reduced exam anxiety would not motivate students to study.

They also say significant test anxiety causes unpleasant emotions that make studying impossible. An optimal level of exam anxiety motivates students the most, according to research.

We can think similarly with digital technology. If used wisely, digital technology can work as an assistant and offer value to our lives.

Finally, technology will always have its pros and cons. It will cause losses and gains in our chosen areas of life. We may simplify and improve our lives by using its beneficial aspects.

When digital technology and the internet are used in every profession, it's clear they speed up work and shorten distances. Unfortunately, technology or internet addiction may make people's life difficult, especially young people who spend most of their time on phones or computers and base their social lives on them.

As in many similar circumstances, if this addiction/habit becomes constant and makes daily life difficult, the person should seek professional help. Neglecting obligations, social isolation, numbness, sleep abnormalities, weight issues, and posture disorders are symptoms.

How can we remove the internet features that make us feel comfortable and profoundly impact our social life?

Limiting daily internet use and planning, paying attention to sleep patterns, keeping phones out of reach to make them harder to reach, exercising more, and spending more time with family and friends can help us.

I wish everyone a faster, easier, and more attractive existence with digital technology.