
Hi there @reggaemuffin, spmarkets reduced his/her delegation to me by 1000sp, but I did not yet receive the credit in Steem for the reduction. Could you please look into it.

Thank you.

I did not see anything weird on first look, can you point me to the issue?

spmarkets delegate 6,403.898 SP to ebargains

and then

spmarkets delegate 5,403.706 SP to ebargains

both are 1 day ago

Investigating, give me a bit :)

Hi @reggaemuffin, any news regarding the missing 1k SP from spmarkets? Also, If I renew a SP lease, do I get credited for the remaining days left on the initial loan? Thanks.

From checking your page he initially delegated too much and then rediced it to the real amount. I see no cancelled leases and your opin leases are 5.4M SP

I see about the spmarkets delegation. Could you please let me know about the sp renewal? Do I get a Steem credit for the remaining days on the existing loan?

There was none canceled, so I don't know what you mean? Can you tell me what you lost?

Good right
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