Project Map: A Complete Strategy for Your Business for a Symbolic Amount

in #marketing2 days ago (edited)

At the very beginning of communication with the client, when the needs have already been identified and the goals have been set, our sales managers offer each client the development of a project map.

The project map is a strategy tailored to the client's project!
What does it include:

  1. Setting goals and objectives: the starting point for the strategy development
  2. Market size analysis: the client's point A and point B in the perspective of 3 months
  3. Funnel: several options depending on the client's landing pages
  4. Forecast of results: what we guarantee and what we strive for
  5. Decomposition of planned work: our tactics
  6. Examples of advertising creatives
  7. Guarantees and terms of cooperation
    And these are just the main points, far from everything!

Why is this useful for potential clients?
Even if we don't start cooperation after the presentation of the project map, the client can use this strategy for self-promotion, based on our experience and average indicators.

Also, the project map is a kind of document that records the agreements, our promises, and our guarantees!

Want to advertise your business, but don't know where to start? Contact us! We will develop a marketing strategy for a symbolic amount.

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