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in #liuzg2 days ago (edited)


In the year 2124, the world had changed beyond recognition. The borders between countries had become blurred, and communication was instantaneous across the globe. Old Liu and his family lived in a small, self-sustaining community on the outskirts of what was once known as China.

Old Liu was a stubborn man, but he had a deep love for his family. His wife, Mrs. Liu, was a woman of great patience and wisdom. They had two daughters, Lisa and Lina, who were both bright and curious about the world around them.

One day, Old Liu received a message from a distant relative. The message predicted a great change that would affect their community. Old Liu, being a man of initiative, decided to seek permission from the community leaders to prepare for this change.

The leaders, however, were skeptical. They believed that the prediction was nothing more than a superstition. Old Liu, undeterred, decided to take matters into his own hands. He gathered a group of experts and began to make provisions for the predicted event.

As the days passed, the community began to notice strange occurrences. The sky turned a peculiar shade of orange, and the air was filled with an eerie silence. Old Liu's preparations were almost complete, but he knew that time was running out.

One night, as the family sat around the dinner table, they heard a loud noise outside. They rushed to the window and caught a glimpse of a massive object descending from the sky. It was a spaceship, and it was heading straight for their community.

Panic spread through the community, but Old Liu remained calm. He had predicted this event and was ready. He quickly gathered his family and led them to the shelter he had built.

As the spaceship landed, it released a wave of energy that knocked out all communication devices. The community was cut off from the outside world. Old Liu, however, had a backup plan. He had installed an old-fashioned communication system that was immune to the energy wave.

The spaceship's occupants emerged, and to everyone's surprise, they were not hostile. They were a group of beings from a distant planet seeking refuge. They had been forced to leave their home due to an environmental disaster.

Old Liu, with his expertise in communication, was able to establish a dialogue with the newcomers. He explained that they were welcome to stay, but they would have to abide by the community's rules.

The newcomers agreed, and a new era of cooperation began. Old Liu's family and the newcomers worked together to rebuild the community, sharing their knowledge and skills.

Years passed, and the community flourished. Old Liu's daughters, Lisa and Lina, grew up to become leaders in their own right. They continued to build on the foundation that their father had laid, ensuring that the community remained a beacon of hope in a world that was constantly changing.

As Old Liu looked back on his life, he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had predicted the future, taken the initiative to prepare for it, and had brought his family and community through a time of great change. He knew that the future was uncertain, but he was confident that his family and community would continue to thrive, no matter what challenges lay ahead.