
Spring water all day! Except for morning.... gotta have a cuppa joe :-D

#lifeordiabetes best tag ahaha

San Pellegrino all the way, in a nice cold glass bottle

Sugar Water! Nectar of the gods!

Shitposts all day every day!

totally agree

I prefer water ... I do not like carbonates ...

Water !!!! Always and no alternative..
Here in United states water is costlier than the carbonated beverages .... And both are placed next to each other ...

Normal human will have a tendency to get attracted to less priced alternative. This was the marketing strategy to promote the carbonated beverages. When comes to buy- 80% of Americans still prefer carbonated beverages than water.


... and gasoline is expensive at 1.20 / Liter? But water is fair at 5.00$ per liter... Pure nonsense

how about meeting in the middle? Some flavor but healthy!