How do we turn negative thoughts into positive actions

in #life2 days ago

Stop and take a break if you're thinking negatively. Give up trying to ignore it. Refusing it will intensify your thoughts and trap you in a cycle. Buddhists say, "Surrender."

All negative thoughts are automatic in our brain. When we feel danger, our brain releases stress hormones. Emergency action is aided by adrenaline and cortisol. These strong substances can make us unwell if consumed in excess.

How can we replace negative, unproductive thinking with balanced, realistic, and beneficial ones? This can be done through therapy or journaling.

When you're ready to face your negative and unhelpful thoughts, complete this practice. One side of your two columns should contain all your negative and unhelpful thoughts. Take notes without thinking, then move on. Write at least one counterargument for each negative concept in the column next to it.


Your problematic ideas typically hint at action. Exercises like journaling can reveal them and help you turn negative ideas into positive behaviours. Recall the preceding column's work.

You should consider whether your suggestions are feasible and appropriate when doing this investigation. Take tiny measures and act steadily. Because wasting time and energy on a problem can tire you out and make you give up.

Self-compassion helps you relate to yourself positively. Instead of criticising or condemning yourself, treat yourself with the same compassion you would your loved ones. You may have limitations, anxieties, and shortcomings like everyone else. Be kind to yourself when dealing with these negatives.

You may feel bad about negative and unhelpful thoughts when you realise them. You may start a vicious cycle as your negative ideas intensify. Buddhists say, “Surrender.” If you notice a negative thinking, take a break. Give up trying to ignore it.

Spiritual leader and comedian Kyle Cease suggests ending bad thoughts with “and I love it”. Example: “I failed my test and I love it.” “I made a huge mistake and I love it.” This tremendous self-acceptance can even be funny. As you surrender, your unhelpful thoughts will fade and lose their impact.

Our childhood and evolutionary foundation program our brains and cognitive system. You may not know what messages your subconscious is receiving. Thus, a trustworthy, experienced therapist may be helpful. Therapy improved repeated, unhelpful thinking patterns such brooding, rumination, and concern in 91 individuals with anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Finally, everyone thinks negatively, which is normal. It can be difficult, but you can change this behaviour like any other. True transformation requires consistency. Practice the above exercises daily. Over time, your inner voice will become more positive and your ideas will drive you instead of depleting you.