Proven Strategies for Effective Studying

in #lifelast month

Studies are something that many of us put off or don't do. We study at our desks sometimes, but we don't really do anything with that time. This piece will give you some ideas on how to cut down on the time you spend at your desk, make that time more useful, and make studying more fun.

Different people have different ways of learning. Some people learn best by seeing, like when you take a picture of a page in a book. Others learn best by hearing, and still others learn best by writing. Many people think that writing will help them learn, but this isn't always the case. Once you know how to learn best for you, you will be able to study much more effectively.


Our teachers have been telling us for years that we need to study in a clean place. This can be different for each person, though. Some people like to study in a place that is quiet and well-organised, while others would rather study in a busy café while listening to music on their headphones. It's up to you to figure out how to study in a way that helps you concentrate quickly and easily.

You can write your own notes or key words about things you need to study or don't understand on coloured paper and stick them in places you'll see them often... You are going to have to read these notes so many times that they will stick in your mind!

Sure, it sounds good but isn't so easy to do. But try it and see for yourself. We all know how stressful it is to study everything the night before a test. Instead, you should push yourself by giving yourself daily goals.

As you read, we can almost hear you saying, "No way!" but the easiest and best way is still to come. Some things, like loud music or a lot of people, might not be distracting, but getting messages on your phone every minute makes you study twice as long.

So you will definitely be able to study better if you turn off or put your phone on aeroplane mode.