Justin Bieber Cancels ‘Purpose’ Tour, Is Coming Back to GodsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

I can already see the eye rolls this post might elicit, “That sinner, trying to get right with God?! Hahaha..”

Well folks, if this is the thought you are having, you might want to try to see the plank in your own eye.

This young man, who was propelled to fame at a very young age after being discovered on YouTube, got launched into a world that he was absolutely not equipped to navigate. So many temptations, so much pressure, surrounded by sycophants, everyone else around you is living fast and loose, you’ve suddenly got way more money than you even know what to do with… Who was there to guide and protect him? Would you have been able to handle it at that age?

We’ve seen this young man’s adolescence play out on the big screen, in the tabloids, on the internet. He wasn’t permitted any privacy as he was growing into adulthood, the whole world was scrutinizing his mistakes, laughing at him, damning him, jeering at him when he was in pain. Would you have been able to handle it?

Even the ‘adults’ were joining in the fun to mock and condemn this young man. But who was there to help him find a better way? His own father seemed to be joining in on the antics.

A couple of years ago, I too would have rolled my eyes a bit at the mention of this young man. My daughter was at that age where a lot of girls her age were big time Bielieber fangirls, and I wasn’t too pleased with the example he was setting for the youths. However, I did also realize that he had never really signed up to be held up as a role-model.

My blasé attitude towards him has changed a lot though, after the release of his Purpose album. A song came on the radio one day made me really curious about who it was by, and I was really surprised to learn that it was from his album. I decided to give the album a full listen, and I was really surprised at the amount of story-telling, self reflection, and growing pangs laid bare in it. I am really rooting for his future happiness and success.

But why am I talking about Justin Bieber, of all people? Because I just want to remind you guys, that we are all imperfect, we are all sinners, but Jesus loves all of us and wants us to live good fulfilled lives. If you try to makes changes in your life to benefit yourself and become a better person, if you try to come back to God, there are going to people who will ridicule you, and there are even going to be people in the churches of men who condemn you.

But don’t pay them any mind. Remember, it is not man that saves. It is not man who gets to make up Law to determine who is or isn’t a Christian. Jesus loves all of us despite our shortcomings and the sins of our past, and the Holy Spirit is always right there by your side to comfort you, help guide you, and give you wisdom and understanding to help you benefit yourself and others, just humble yourself enough to ask, and you shall receive. If you can’t find a local congregation right away, don’t let that get in the way of reading the Bible and praying. God bless you all.





Amen, let's hope it really is true, tnx much for sharing this.