Encounter with my enemy from beyond. Real life story. (Horror Short-Story)

in #horror6 years ago

I was always the most superstitious and fearful, used to live and sleep in the family with my parents and surrounded my brothers, I had to face the experience of living alone and learn to deal with my internal demons and fears.

For some strange reason that I do not know my nights in that period of solitude and "reunion with my inner self" they had become more agonizing, the long and dark nights did not allow me to conciliate a pleasant sleep.


One day in particular I heard a friend say that I needed to approach God and pray for peace and tranquility, that I was like that because of my apathy with the spiritual. Since his opinion was well founded, I decided to follow his advice and began to pray. After a few nights I felt a relief and slept quieter, everything began to walk well in me.

Until a fateful night happened what I feared so much, I had a meeting with a not know what, I can not explain, a dark shadow with an unpleasant smell was sitting next to me in the bed and murmuring things that between my heartbreaking crying and Desperate I could not understand.


As I was able to get out of bed, I ran for a crucifix that my mother had given me the day I left the house, I also took a bible, I knelt and prayed, the rotten smell was still very close.

While I was crying and praying, the evil presence laughed softly, I could already feel it rubbing my skin with it.

I implored mercy to heaven, I had time between my nerves to ask for forgiveness for my sins. The bible fell from my sweaty hands, the crucifix broke, my heart beat fast, a cold paralyzed my muscles, my nerves would not let me reason.

Strength and courage lifted me from the floor I was throwing, I managed to take the Bible again and run to the bathroom, I could read Psalm 23 and repeated again and again:

Jehovah is my Shepherd, nothing will be lacking
Jehovah is my Shepherd, nothing will be lacking
Jehovah is my Shepherd, nothing will be lacking

So I was reassuring and little by little, with supplications and prayers I asked the God of the heavens for protection, my faith was strengthened, the visitor from beyond went away, peace invaded my soul and my heart still startled got relief.

Since that terrible night I strengthen my faith with prayers, I trust in my heavenly father and I know that evil spirits exist but that they are not present where God dwells.

Thank you for reading...
