Knotilus Daily Pond

in #homestead3 years ago

Hey there humans!!

So nice to see a blue sky again!




I mean, it’s already gray out there yet again, but it was a nice morning for a little while!

I started a few new paintings, I love having several going at once, makes it easy to go from one to the other while they’re drying and increases my productivity significantly!

I feel like “Dory” from Finding Nemo, instead of just keep swimming it’s “just keep painting, just keep painting, painting, painting, painting, painting...” 🤪

This purple background will eventually be filled with stars and a beautiful display of aurora borealis if all goes well!
Still teaching myself techniques and new things as I go. I have never been interested in “learning professionally” when it comes to art. While I do agree, like most skills, you can learn how to do it regardless of talent. I find that that almost cheapens it for me. I would personally prefer to buy art from someone self taught than a student of art. More authentic, more genuine and more soul gets poured into each piece.

I know not everyone feels like that though, and I’m not trying to put down those that do go to school to learn, because they obviously must have a passion for it as well to go to such lengths, it’s just not my style personally.
I like a mess.
I like messy people.
People who colour outside the lines and break rules are often my type of humans.

Art anarchy all the way baby!

Meanwhile on the homestead...

Look at my beautiful duckies all in a row!


They’re so happy to have all this rain and some warmer weather, hopefully their pool gets nice and melted so they can splash around again!


Another egg today!!


Very exciting to have them laying.
I know I have a ton of vegan followers on certain platforms, and I understand why they might be upset or annoyed with me for promoting eggs as food, but I’ve always known that being off grid and homesteading would mean a different diet and lifestyle than what I had when I first started blogging so many years ago.

I’ve learned so much about health since then, and many of the vegan alternatives I used to use, I’ve since omitted from my diet entirely after learning more about its origin and their effects on my body and health.

To each their own for sure, and if a vegan diet works for you, I say go for it! Personally, I struggled significantly after a while, and had to adjust after a few years to accommodate existing medical issues.

I still genuinely prefer organic tofu to most meat options, I don’t eat cows or pigs at all, and I consistently eat tons of veggies every day, and mainly whole, organic foods that I can digest and that work for me.

But I’ve learned to be understanding that people choose different than I do, and I accept that our differences are something to celebrate as well as our similarities.


In cat news...
Cat feet might be one of the cutest things ever.

Check out these adorable little Venus toes!


A little blurry, but I love when they snuggle all in a row!



I hope this week brings you everything you desire! It’s a beautiful time to be alive, appreciate being able to enjoy every bit of energy and pleasure you can scrounge up!

Get out there and LIVE! 💕

Send someone a message of love or encouragement, go for a walk, a run or a stroll. Maybe meet up with someone new! Do things now while you have the opportunity because we never know when we will be out of time on this planet ❤️

I’m so thankful to see another day! Hopefully I’ll get another tomorrow too.


Here’s some memes for you!







Knotilus daily pond is a series of photos of the pond near my home, some bloggery about the homestead and the creations, it’s then finished off with some choice memes.

Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray and dull, I’m happy to share the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂


The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️

Check out my other creations through my link tree


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