The time for Autumn

in WORLD OF XPILAR11 days ago





Hello my dear Steemians,


It is again the time for Autumn, my dream of summer that never ending is again diminished. When I was a child I always wished to have summer without end going into autumn and winter and then we could have again summer.

You might ask, why then I do not move to any country where there is no winter at all. I think in winter I wish to live in such country but when it is beautiful red-yellow forests with reflection of it in water then I am fascinated with its beauty and agree to have autumn.

There are two things that I love in autumn:

  • the beauty of foliage, that always make me think about going to park and see all the leaves piled up for street cleaners to pick up the leaves. What then we did is just run through the pile and kick the leaves around. They were flying everywhere and also the sound of those leaves, such wonderful feeling

  • I love fine rain, that is the time when I love to go for walk with my umbrella, the sound of drops on umbrella such calming sound.

When I saw this picture in Pixabay I immediately loved that. I can associate with me, because I am always freezing and my sleeves are always long so being outside on terrace I can imagine very well that I would pull my sleeves over the fingers and wrap my hands around hot cup of coffee. Despite of modern equipment I still love reading books. It is completely different feeling, you hold a book, I love to have illustration in books and usually love to think what the artist thought doing such illustration to the text.

*Another thing that I love to do in Autumn I always had some beautiful leaves from my work, some of them I used as bookmarks and some just put in my books and loved finding them following year. *

*The autumn here is just starting that means we still have green leaves, that is why I am very excited to see proper late autumn. *

Wishing you nice week and enjoy your autumn days!


  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Trenner groß.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.




This summer felt longer than it should, at least in my country. I am glad autumn came and the temperature dropped a little.

Also now that the autumn came, we need a couple of weeks before we start seeing Christmas decorations/items in the stores :)