Macrophotography - Fungi Panellus

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago


Tonight, I will show you again the type of mushroom that I have found in the Aceh forest, this type of Panellus, although it is easy to find, but I find it difficult to get during the dry season or not in the rainy season. This mushroom is often called by the name Panellus.

this name, because this type of mushroom has many forms and is spread almost everywhere, in my experience, this type of mushroom will grow in different shapes and colors, because of differences in soil humidity or where this type of mushroom grows. so, below, you will see like:

1 . types of mushrooms in moist soil areas

Below, you will all see, types of mushrooms that grow in moist soil areas, which I photographed with several different angles, so that mushroom lovers can understand what I am saying in my post, let's see it below:






2 . types of mushrooms in dry soil areas.

Below, you will all see, the types of mushrooms that grow in dry areas, and the water content in the bark is very low, let's see it below:


3 . Original form before being photographed with a Super Macro Lens

in this last part, you mushroom lovers and steem users, can see, that, the original form before being photographed with a Super Macro Lens, is very small and almost invisible on the palm of my hand, thanks to the Super Macro Lens that I Modified, then, the small mushroom can be shown to all of you, to find out what the original form is.

although I am not a researcher, however, I want all steem users to know, that, this is the original form of the mushroom which is often called Panellus, so that teachers can convey it as knowledge to students and students at school.


that's the whole brief explanation and types of mushrooms that grow differently in different weather in the forest, hopefully the contents and pictures in this post can be useful for steem users and the public who read it.

I end with, have a good rest and see you in my next post,





Entah mengapa, saya rindu dapat mengeksplore hutan kembali dengan skill makro yang masih dalam katagori berkembang, namun keseruan dalam proses pengambilan monet tersebut adalah yang paling utama

yo gerak kita ... ni dah mau jalan ke buket ok :) nyari gambar

Hehehe, mungkin akan digunakan di hari weekend aja bang, sekalian healing-healing menghirup wangi wangi jamur

 2 months ago (edited)

Ternyata banyak sekali ya jenis jamur, saya haru tau sekarang. Dulu saya yang saya tau hanya jamur bambu, jamur jerami dan jamur pada batang kelapa tua. Dan jamur yang saya lihat dipostingan ini sangat indah🥰😊

terima kasih mollymochtar :)

Hai guys, gambar pertama itu sangat keren sekali kawan. Indah sekali tampilan jamurnya👌

terima kasih fackrurrazi :)

Sama- sama.

Keahlian dalam bidang phografi sangat menakjubkan, tidak bisa dipungkiri anda ini sangat profesional. saya terkagum-kagum saat melihatnya.

terima kasih bahrol
jika kita melakukannya dengan serius, pasti akan menghasilkan gambar yang baik. kecuali. jika kita tidak serius alias "ULOK ULOK" gamba pih lage Apa BOTAK IGO JEREUNG ... Gadouh khem sira peugah haba dan jak photo makro.. hehehehe :)