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RE: Putting off a fire

in WORLD OF XPILAR14 hours ago

I think we've seen too many American movies featuring firefighters. My idea of ​​them is definitely very different from what you are telling. Especially this - there's a fire, a call comes in, the fire engine starts and comes. It's that simple.
I had to call this number 112 once and the questioning was so long that the person I was calling there for had regained consciousness in the meantime and no longer needed any ambulance.
In Bulgaria, we really suffer because of outdated equipment and low pay, but we forget that in other countries firefighters are volunteers, I have been once in contact with such and there are no more kind and humane people than them. Of course, in other countries, not here.
I'm curious how you feel after what you've been through. Are you going to start feeling like I do - scared and helpless, when realizing that it's really hard to get help from anyone in this country, and if at all, the process is ridiculously long and sometimes completely unnecessary.