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RE: Gilded Traps 💸💸💸

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

I don't mean to offend the teachers

I'm starting from the back to the front.
In Bulgaria, there has been this understanding for a long time that whoever cannot be accepted into a university with a more prestigious and nice specialty, is easily accepted into pedagogy or some other educational specialty, after which one usually becomes a teacher. That is why it is said that who cannot become anything else becomes a teacher, that is why the teacher crisis is quite deep. 😃 This is a bit off topic.

The topic of fake gurus and all kinds of hidden scammers is really my favorite. I have studied it and I have looked at it from many sides, especially where it comes from, how it is born, why people take this fishing line, enter this trap. We all forget that we are all people who are not very different from each other. We all have our problems, one or the other, there are no people with a perfect life, and no one is secretly given this guide to a good life and success in life, if we are simply talking about life coaches.
Things that can be learned are taught in universities or specialized courses, which may or may not be paid for, but it is no coincidence that educational institutions must be licensed. I say this because in recent years numerous "academies" have appeared in Bulgaria, they are also paid, but do not have a license, and they offer you miracles - financial independence, wealth, investment skills, how to find your life's mission, even how to find a rich and wonderful man. 😅 I especially love the idea of ​​an Etsy Business Academy that some failed Etsy account came up with - revealing the hidden secrets of success on this platform. Considering the brutal competition there, it is unlikely that just some Bulgarian has discovered the hot water, not to mention that the lecturer does not even reveal who his profile is.
But personally, I am most disappointed with an American who published a book about an effective method of changing lives. A whole thick book of general stories or some boring scientific data to say on the last page: "sign up for my workshop". And that was it.
I think that's when I realized that all this How-To-nonsense is just a money making machine. And the worst thing is that these people who "teach", especially if we are talking about coaches, are supposed to be about people, but they seem to only be about money.
Some people just made a living selling these things, and as I've noted with dismay before, the entire planet is based on the principle of commerce, and only the best merchants survive. I, unfortunately, either because of my conscience or lack of skills, am not a good dealer since I can't even trade myself looking for work.😆

I agree with absolutely all the points of your post, I may have given examples from another area, but they also apply to online influencers, those who "fail to make decent money through whatever skill they have and become teachers, and start selling courses and e-books and whatnot."
I'm sure there have long been people who thought of making money from Steemit in the way you mention, there are quite a few enterprising people here!
And LinkedIn for me is a super spammy platform and I avoid it, even though I have some incomplete profile there.


I have heard similar things about teachers in Pakistan but I think it's more to do with the induction criteria. Only the most qualified ones should be hired like in any other industry. I personally know a lot of people who were below average in academics throughout and are now serving as teachers in the same institutes because they couldn't get a job elsewhere. That says a lot about 'the system'.

I think it's in human nature to think that others are living a perfect life. We get envious of what others have achieved without even trying to know how they got to it and how much struggle went behind it or how much they compromised. That's if the bragger is telling the truth. But nowadays people are only lying on the Internet. The moment somebody puts their income on air, I smell something fishy. I earned this much $$$$ in xyz time, if you give me $, you can also do the same. What bullcrap !

sign up for my workshop

Hahahah. I can't stop laughing at this. I have been there. I was so excited to read a book and after few pages, it turned out that it was another way of advertisement - it was full of self-promotion and CTAs. The book was good but this marketing tactic immediately put me in doubt and just like that a seemingly good author/guru lost his credibility.

You are right there are many entrepreneurial minds here. It was just a joke. Infact, today I saw somebody selling a steem course. Haven't checked it our further. But yeah, it's nothing new.

I don't know your experience, but I think LinkedIn is spammed by gurus and fake job postings. There are authentic professionals too but one needs to know how to navigate around the right path.