Giving Expression To Your Natural Instincts To Do Good

in WORLD OF XPILAR19 days ago

Over the years, I have understood that there is a natural goodness inherent in every human. In fact, when humans are born, they have the natural instincts to do good, but they only get compromised by many factors including background, environment, orientation, beliefs, norms, etc. The more you do good and show kindness, the more your humanity increases and the better you become. The truth is that you have a drop of goodness in you, but it now left for you to either give expression to it by doing good or suppress it by tilting towards "badness." More often than not, it is the choice that you have made that will determine how your life is made. If you choose to be good, you will tilt towards the path of goodness.


Image from Pexels

Anyone you see as good had to make the choice to be good and to do good. They kept giving expression to their inner goodness and it became part of them. In the same way, the people you see as being bad and cruel also made their own choice. They kept suppressing their natural instincts to be good and they kept searing it by doing the wrong things. You will agree with me that if you do good, your inner conviction will tell you that you have done good. Similarly, if you do bad, your conscience will also prick you that you did bad, until you have completely seared your conscience by your continued bad acts.

It is worthy to note that when you do good to people and when someone is smiling because of your good acts towards them, there is a level of joy that it brings into the mind that is inexplicable but without question. Not just that, but it also makes you to become a better person. I have noticed that each time I do good, there is a good-feeling that comes into my heart. This is part of the reasons I have made up my mind to make doing good a lifestyle. One of the core duties we have as humans to humanity is to show acts of kindness and goodness to humankind.

It is worthy to note that doing good should not be as a response to a previous act of goodness but it should be a lifestyle. In fact, you are not supposed to wait until someone has first done good to you before you reciprocate to them. After all, you are not necessarily doing it because they have qualified for it but because it is what is demanded by humanity and it also makes you a better human. Instead of waiting to be responsive to good acts, why not be the first to do the good? The more you do good, the more you discover that you no longer find it difficult to do good, and the better you become. If you are still struggling with yourself to do good, then you need to know that you are not doing as much as you need to.


Image from Pexels

I remember what a friend once explained to me about his decision that everyday, at least one person will tell him "thank you" for his acts of goodness to them. Not because he needs the appreciation but simply because it reminds him of what needs to be done and it makes him to know that he is living up to his duties to humanity. I also learnt that from him and I also resolved that there is no passing day that I will not do good to others and affect their lives positively in the way that I can. Since I started it, I realized that it has made me a better person.

If you know the level of impact your help can go for someone and what your acts of goodness can do to someone to put smiles on their faces, you will not be forced to be good, it will just flow naturally. In fact, the seemingly little favour you do to someone can create a massive impact in their lives than you can ever imagine. Adorably, everyone can be good, but it is dependent on if you are willing to make the choice of being good. No matter the level at which you are at, irrespective of what you think you have or not, you can still do good if you want to. The act of good you do today is like the seed you have planted for your tomorrow.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


"Wow, what a wonderful and inspiring post! 😊 I completely agree that there is goodness inherent in every human being, and it's up to us to nurture and express it through our actions. 🌟 Your words are like a breath of fresh air, reminding me that even small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on others. 💖

I love how you emphasize the importance of choosing to be good, not just waiting for someone else to do it first. 💡 It's so true that doing good should be a lifestyle, and I'm grateful for your example of making it a priority.

Your post also resonates with me because it highlights the joy and fulfillment that comes from helping others. 😊 It's like you said, "the act of good you do today is like the seed you have planted for your tomorrow." 🌱

Thank you for sharing this beautiful message with us! 🙏 I'm honored to be part of this community where we can uplift and support each other in our journey towards goodness. ❤️

By the way, would you consider voting for the witness 'xpilar.witness' by going to They're doing amazing work to improve and expand the Steem ecosystem! 🙏"