World of Xpilar Community Statistical Report, 1 – 15 September 2024

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 days ago

Dear Steemians,

This is the statistical report of blogging activities in the World of Xpilar community for the period of September 1 to 15, 2024. The numbers may vary depending on observations made at different times.


During this period, a total of 774 articles were submitted through the World of Xpilar community. These 774 articles generated rewards amounting to 8027.02 STU. The following table shows the number of articles uploaded each day during the first 15 days of September 2024, along with the corresponding rewards generated.

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Below are two diagrams generated from the table, which might make it easier for us to conduct observations.

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The following table shows the number of articles and the total rewards (STU) for each main category of articles uploaded during the period.

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The table above is ranked based on the number of articles per main category. The following table is ranked based on the amount of rewards (STU) per main category.

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Below is the comparison diagram of the number of articles per main category uploaded in the World Of Xpilar Community in the period.

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The donut chart is as follows:

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The comparison of reward amounts (STU) per main article category can be seen in the following diagram.

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The donut chart is as follows:

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During the period of Sep 1 to 15, 2024, a total of 209 users submitted their articles through the World of Xpilar community. The following table shows the top 10 users who submitted the most articles during this period, including the percentage of total submissions, as well as the reward (STU) they accumulated from these articles and the percentage of the total reward (STU).

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Below is the diagram of the top 10 users who submitted the most articles in the World of Xpilar Community in the period.

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Who are the top 10 users who collected the most rewards (STU) in the World of Xpilar Community during this period? See the following table.

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At the time of data collection, a total of 2,147 comments had been left on articles uploaded in the World of Xpilar community during this period. The top 10 users with the highest engagement based on the number of comments received on articles uploaded in the World of Xpilar community during this period are shown in the following table.

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Meanwhile, a total of 53,473 votes have been cast on articles uploaded in the World of Xpilar community during this period. The five most-voted articles are shown in the following table. The following table lists the top 10 users who received the most votes through the articles they uploaded in the World of Xpilar community during this period.

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And so the statistical report of blogging activities in the World of Xpilar community for the period from September 1 to 15, 2024 is done. See you in the next edition.



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