Black Cat - Photography

in Italy2 days ago


I found this creature resting on a ground and behind a wall. The last time I met him, he was younger and small but now seems to have grown towards adult hood.

He was looking at me when I appreciated him as though he was expecting something from me.


Later on, he started licking his body, ignoring my presence. His all black body glows as he kept cleaning himself.

Later on he stopped but chose not to look at my direction again. I guess he has concluded I didn't get something for him.



Hahaha your conclusion makes me smile, I think he looks at you remembering when he was younger and waiting for a caress, but they say that cats are indifferent and that's what he gives you, if you don't give him caresses, he gives you indifference, a cat with a lot of character

Haha, you have s point but I'm not the one who has been with him and taking care of him when he was younger.

I had to conclude that way because of the way he looked at me when I approached him the first time.

A lot of character indeed👍

What a fascinating encounter! It’s amazing to see how much this creature has grown. I love how you captured its personality—especially the moment it expected something from you. Nature can be so entertaining! This creature looks so regal! The way it licked itself while ignoring you adds such a humorous touch to the story. It’s interesting how animals can seem so aware of us yet choose to carry on with their own business.