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RE: SEC - S17W6 | "Saving humanity: Progeria, children should not rapidly age"

in Scouts y sus Amigos4 months ago

Oh yes I have heard of this disease and it is not at all pleasant I imagine you see a very strong case for someone who looks like one because it is not something normal or common in life.

Even so as you have explained in the post gives much to learn about this disease as I personally did not know much about it if he had heard previously but did not know so many details itself is good to know this kind of things inform yourself your post for me has been of interest.

I wish you many blessings, greetings.


Yes, we do not come across this disease so often but it is scary that nobody is on save side and it can happen in the future in any family so it is something that would be good to have the solution how to prevent it. Thank you for reading.