Contest Alert:1 picture 1 Story Week #52

in Steem For Pakistan10 days ago





Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to write for this contest that is running by @suboohi, here is the link if you are also interested:


Stugeron for Motion sickness


Today I wanted to share with you a story about a condition that I am born with, it is one of the commonest condition and often parents have no idea about it until you have symptoms and also they do not take it seriously until because it is something that quiet quickly disappear itself once the trigger of it is gone.

You could already guess what is it and maybe some of you also familiar with it, so please share if it is a case and what you do to try to make your life easier.


Motion sickness: First time it happened


I still remember the first time from my childhood, we were travelling to visit my grandma it was a trip with bus of about 6 hours. Me and my siblings were excited, I choose to sit at window and also we were happy to have many different snacks and drinks like always when people go for trips.

This time it was different, the road was on land so often we had lumps and bumps and driver in order to avoid it tried to drive right and left. Also while we were chatting we were looking out of window then moving our heads back to look to back of the bus, soon I noticed that I started to feel sick. I hate that feeling and it is something that you can not really fight. The whole imagination of acid burning throat and all disgusting feeling in mouth made me more sick. I told my mother and she gave me a paper bag. One moment I was sick and felt good after that, I continued going the same playing with my siblings, shortly after sickish feeling was back, my mother was surprised as she said: "there should be nothing in your stomach." But it was no matter the next time it was just acid and it repeated again and again.*

I started to ask my mother when we will be finally there and she said that it is still some time to drive. I decided to fell asleep as I wanted time to go quickly, I put my head on my mother's lap and closed my eyes, 10 minutes later I felt that nausea was settling and actually soon I felt fine. I thought that it was over, opened my eyes and announced that sickness is gone. But once I set up straight and opened eyes, sickness slowly come back, so I then returned to my position and closed eyes, it is then settled again. For me it was a conclusion: My sickness was also asleep because it thought that I am sleeping, I was happy to play this game with sickness so long it does not make me to puke.


Motion sickness: growing up


Time went by by this strange sickness in buses and cars never settled. For me it was clear, I hate cars and buses and if possible I walk!

That contributed to my fitness because I prefer to walk even if it is 10 km I just consider to get earlier. I asked many people, my doctor but nobody had a clue.

I was advised:

  • not to eat anything before trip, I did but it did not help
  • to eat something before, I did but still vomiting

I noticed that when cars, buses drive in curve or round about that is worse thing and there are plenty of then in UK, therefore, I just prefer traffic light and drive straight. Travelling with ship is okay provided water is calm, if there are waves, it is the same story.

Later on I found that the whole problem is coming from vestibular system in inner ear, when the information from our eyes, inner ear and body sending conflicting information into our brain, that can make us unwell.


Motion sickness: stugeron is a first aid


  • found what I have and I found that there are medications that can suppress that sickness in brain and help us people who suffer from it to use transport and not only walk all the time.*

My medication is Stugeron, it can be bought in pharmacy by "Boots", you need to take either 1-2 tablets 2 hours before trip and later on one tablet can be taken in 8 hours if needed. Why I love this tablet because you can chew it and swallow so you do not need any water for that.

You may ask why I am writing about that, today I am travelling with train and unluckily I forgot my tablets. While train is usually not bad time to time there are some moments when I have to stop and pretend sleeping so that my sickness settles a bit. You also may b curious and ask why I am typing, this is to distract myself and also for the time to go faster.

That si my story about my Motion sickness and my remedy, what is yours?

I am inviting following users for contest: @rumanaafroz, @eliany, @rumanaafroz


  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Trenner groß.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.



 9 days ago 

Feel sorry about your sickness. You very well explained this disease.

When I felt sick, I mostly tried lying on the bed closing my eyes, and playing slow volume of any kalam. It actually works. You didn't get back as you were before sick. But it heals you, you just feel better for a short time.

I still remember when I went to my aunt's house with my mother and sister. we traveled by bus. I mostly tried to choose car or vans and avoid bus because of vomiting cause by diesel smell.

It was a drive of 2 to 3 hours, near to location, i felt am going to vomiting, i didn't eat anything from back 2 to 3 hours but it happened to me.

Incident like this mostly happened with me from childhood but now it fixed ownself.