I believe in self confidence

in Hindwhale Community14 hours ago

Hello friends how are you, I hope you are well and everyone in your family is well, I am also well and today I have come up with my new post which is for a contest and the topic is very interesting, there are still a few days left to participate in the contest, if you have not done it, then you can participate from the link given here, thank you.
Contest announcement : I believe in self confidence

Well, if you have a good personality, then different confidence comes from within, if your personality is a bit bad, then the confidence from within decreases a bit, but it does not matter to some people, they are filled with a lot of confidence and it makes a lot of difference, it does not matter how you look, how you are, but it matters how much confidence you have inside you, how confidently you can talk and how confidently you face people.



Well, some people already have these qualities and some people have to develop all these things in themselves, some people are already like this, and some people become stronger due to circumstances and become more confident. Well, if you are confident then other people also believe in you and people start trusting you and if you are not confident then people also start doubting you.

Do you believe in self-confidence or not? Describe self-confidence in your own words.

Yes, I believe in self-confidence and if you lack self-confidence then you may have to face a lot of problems, you are not able to face people properly and you feel a little nervous about starting a new thing if you are confident then you do not have any problem in doing new things and you start new things with great enthusiasm and force and can assure people that you are doing this or you do not feel ashamed and there is a different source of energy inside you. We must have seen that nowadays people make videos on social media and they are full of confidence and believe me this is the reason why they are earning good money but many people are earning money without showing their face but those people who are full of confidence are earning good money by showing their face and this gives them publicity and they also get a lot of promotion.



What is the difference between self-confidence and overconfidence and how should both be kept under control?

Although having confidence is a good thing, but some people become very confident about themselves and we call it overconfidence. We can also call it excessive trust. They just trust themselves too much and convince others that they are right and everyone else is wrong. Doing this is a very wrong thing. There is a slight difference between confidence and overconfidence. A confident person is confident based on his experience and other things. When a person becomes overconfident, he justifies things without investigating them and in such a case, he is proven wrong. So even if we have confidence, we should not be overconfident and should verify things and should keep restraint and control over ourselves.



Is there any task which was not possible for you but you completed it through self-confidence?

Well, there are many such tasks that we are not able to do because we do not have confidence in ourselves like not meeting people or going to parties or anything else, it can be staying away from social work, not socializing, when you gain confidence then you start mingling with people, this used to happen with me too since I joined my office, there has been a little change in me, the environment also makes a little difference, I was a little shy earlier and I still am, but I have become a little more open than before and I am happy about this because I have gained a little confidence and due to this I do not have to face many difficulties in interacting with people.

If you also face such a problem then you should work on your shortcomings, if you think that your personality is not good then you should work on it, when you make your weakness a strength, then after that different confidence comes in you and that is what is important.

I hope you did learn something new today, see you tomorrow. Have a wonderful day. Not sure what's the exact time there See you.


Feel free to follow me @theexplorerguy for more amazing daily content

 10 hours ago 

Hola @theexplorerguy, un gusto saludarte

Totalmente de acuerdo contigo amigo, muchas personas han tenido que buscar esa fortaleza dentro de ellos por esas diversas situaciones por las que han tenido que pasar, y esto los hace desarrollar esas habilidades y aprender a confiar más en ellos mismos.

Cuando una persona confía en si mismo y en sus capacidades es muy bueno, pero cuando dejan de ver a su alrededor y de ver todas las circunstancias sin detenerse a pensar un poco en los pro los contra de sus decisiones eso lo llamamos exceso de confianza ya que sin darse cuenta esto le puede ocasionar inconvenientes.

Te deseo mucho éxito. Un abrazo 🤗