The Friend You Help In Need

in Project HOPE15 hours ago

There are more things to friendship than just title and formalities. There are untold benefits that can be linked to the friends you keep within your circle. You will be surprised that it may be the friend that you help today that may become your major source of help tomorrow. Before you demand something from people, have you also asked what impact you have made in their own life? Let your friends feel your input and impact in their lives. Be the reason why they can stand on their feet.


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I once had a friend who, no matter how I needed help and even if she had it, she would not lift up a finger. In fact, when she sensed that I needed help, she would be long gone, only to resurface when she needs help. This kept happening and I would gladly help her, but each time, she would be gone again if it is her turn to take a step for me. The friendship was become too one-sided that it was very glaring. I knew that this was not the definition of friendship and that she was simply exploiting me. So I had to make a decision to stay off, after all it is not a must to be friends with someone. Friendship is not about parasitism but about mutuality.

You do not only remember your friends when you have a need that they can solve, but you should also try to come through for them in their own moments of needs. The truth is that if you are the only one making progress among your friends and you do not even care to help any of them to find their feet, then you are not a good friend. Okay imagine that tomorrow and you become challenged or you need help, and you have not helped any of your friends to stand, how will they help you? One of the best forms of investment that you will make is the one you make on people - human capital development. When you raise the people, the people will help raise other things for you.

There was this particular man within the community where I once lived in the past. This man is rich but that is not the only thing; he used his riches to help a lot of people. In fact, he introduced a lot of people into his line of business and helped them stand. His philanthropy knew no bound. Everyone within the community liked him because of his heart towards them and his humanity. He was able to build his circle and they were doing very well. It happened that at one of the times in his business, he ordered some goods from abroad, because he is a trader, and on high sea, he lost his containers. This sent him back both financially and in his business.

What his friends and his circle did was very amazing. Without him even knowing, they contributed within themselves; the people who he had helped in the past; and handed over a cheque for two containers of goods to him. With that, he was able to bounce back in his business. Now imagine if had not helped to build his circle, what would have become of him when he was down? When you build people up and you help raise them, you are also sowing a good seed for yourself. What you invest in others is like telling them "keep this for me, I might need it someday." This does not mean that you will always expect things from people when you help them, but you do not expect people to go a mile for you if you have not gone at least a centimetre for them or be willing to do the same for them.


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One of my mentors once said that "if you are the only rich one among your friends, then you are not rich." As a matter of fact; the reason you are blessed and you have achieved success is so that you will use it to help others to achieve their own success. When everyone around you is successful, it will ease the pressure on you and this is a form of blessing on its own. When you have helped a friend in need, then you not just a friend in deed, but you are a better human, and you are sowing good seeds into your tomorrow.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


In a friendship status, each one of us should have a sense of bonding. While we dont keep to be selfish and share things among the friends, we go one step ahead of fulfilment.
I think your mentor is right in his act of speech that,you are rich then when rich in combination, not individually or being separate .