Finding Inner Peace In A Chaotic World

in Project HOPE4 days ago

With what is happening around the world in the recent times, you will be right to infer that there is a lot of chaos and disorder, which have made peace a very needed asset. You may not know the value of peace until you are faced with chaotic situation. You will be surprised how peace has eluded a lot of people, while some others are just battling with themselves and with their environment. In life, there are so many things that can stress you and even challenge you, but you have to know that the idea is not to avoid the challenges but to have peace even in the face of them, so as to make you to face them appropriately.


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Before you can talk about being at peace with others, you have to attain a level of inner peace. If you cannot find peace on the inside, then you may not be able to find it on the outside. In order to find inner peace, you need to be able to condition your mind for clarity, calmness, focus, and being emotionally resilient. You have to know that finding inner peace has more to do with your mind, and this is also a product of your choice. In the face of chaos, you can choose to remain peaceful if you want to. In order to attain a level of inner peace, there are things you need to do and choices you have to make and we shall take a few of them.

The first one is that you have to learn to forgive, not just others for their offences, but also be able to forgive yourself for your own shortcomings. I once heard one of my friends make a comment that she is finding it difficult to forgive herself over a particular mistake she made in the time past. Okay it is true the mistake was made and it altered the course of her life permanently, but she should learn to forgive herself over that, so that she will know how to move on from it and find peace. I made her to see reasons why she should forgive herself and she took it. Some months later, she was able to accept the mistake and then learnt a couple of things from it. Now she has moved on with her life and doing well.

The truth is that there is a kind of peace that flows within you when you know that you do not bear offences in your mind; not for yourself and not for others. When you forgive others for their offences and when you forgive yourself for your own, you will achieve a level of peace that is inexplicable but cannot be denied. The kind of peace of mind that is triggered when you realise that you are living your life void of any offence is priceless. You may not have been able to control what led to the offence, but you have a choice and control over what becomes of you after the offence - if you will forgive or not.


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Another way to find inner peace is by learning to accept what you cannot change, while focusing on changing what you can. There are some changes that you can neither determine nor control, you only need to accept them. By accepting them, you will make peace with yourself. For example, you cannot do anything about your background no matter how it is. In fact, the more you try to avoid it, the more it sticks around with you. So what to do is to accept it and then make peace with it so that it will not weaken you. It is true that we can change a lot of things about ourselves and even our environment, but there are things you cannot change, so you have to know the difference between them. This will help you to create inner peace.

The final way to find inner peace, which we will look at here, is to know the kind of people you relate with. Who you stay with or relate with can affect your peace. As a matter of fact, if you stay with chaotic people, it can drain you of your inner peace. This is why you need to stay with positively inclined people who know the value of peace. In addition to this, you also need to stay in a peaceful environment, so as to enhance your level of peace.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all