Sleep deprivation : A big problem of the modern world

in Project HOPE3 months ago


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As human beings, we spend about one-third of our lives sleeping. For a healthy person, a full night's sleep typically takes 7-8 hours. A newborn baby, however, sleeps more than 12 hours a day. This duration decreasing as we age.

Why Is Sleep Important?
During sleep, we disconnect from our surroundings and our own selves. This was particularly dangerous for our ancestors, who risked being attacked by predators while they slept. Despite such dangers, all animals need sleep. It’s a fundamental system in our bodies that requires rest at least once a day.

Everyone needs rest, even machines. During sleep, our brain and body undergo essential repair processes. Damaged cells are repaired, and in children and adolescents, growth and development occur. Heart rate and blood pressure drop, giving the heart a rest. Hormones also function optimally during sleep. The brain consolidates memories and reboots the entire system. This is why we feel recharged after a good night's sleep.

Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation
In modern times, many people suffer from sleep deprivation. Various factors prevent proper sleep, leading some adults to sleep less than five hours a day. Sleep deprivation, a state in which someone doesn't get adequate sleep, can result in symptoms like fatigue, reduced alertness, slow reaction times, diminished cognitive ability, anxiety, depression, irritability, mood changes, and decreased mental capacity. In extreme cases, it can even be life-threatening. Many accidents are caused by sleep-deprived individuals, making them a danger to others, especially when driving.

Causes of Sleep Deprivation
Several factors contribute to sleep deprivation. Medical conditions, anxiety, caffeine use, smoking, and other substances can interfere with sleep. In the modern world, lifestyle-related causes are prominent. People often engage with their mobile phones and social media late into the night, preventing proper sleep. Workaholics may see rest as a waste of time. Shift work can also lead to insufficient sleep. Additionally, those with numerous responsibilities may work from morning until night, leaving little time for rest. The use of smartphones and other devices before bed can cause sleep deprivation, even if one spends enough time in bed, as the blue light from these devices disrupts sleep.

The Growing Problem of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation is becoming a significant issue in the modern world. Lack of sleep contributes to accidents on roads and work sites, and it is linked to bad moods and heart and brain-related problems. Therefore, proper sleep is essential.
Tips for Better Sleep

To achieve proper sleep, consider the following steps:

  1. Keep Devices Away: Avoid phones and other electronic devices at least one hour before bed.
  2. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Engage in yoga and meditation to calm the mind.
  3. Manage Anxiety: Try to free yourself from worries and anxieties before bedtime.
  4. Limit Stimulants: Reduce the intake of caffeine and avoid smoking before bed.
  5. Consult a Doctor: If sleep problems persist, seek medical advice.
  6. Take exercise: This helps keeping us fit and also a tired body gets sleep easily.

Proper sleep is crucial for our well-being. By taking these steps, we can improve our sleep quality and overall health.
So, stay healthy and live happily!

With love from @erica005