Achievement 4 Post By @hisgeneral || Task: Applying Markdowns (An article on The Human Eye) || 100% Power-UpsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

My lovely steemians and friends, I want to present my achievement-4 task.
It was clear to me when I had m achievement 1 that my article wasn't good enough due to the fact that I didn't apply markdowns. As I looked forward to improving on my later posts, @whitestallion introduced me to basic markdown that enhanced my write-ups.

I am pleased however to be engaged in applying Markdown as a task. Anyone in need of this post by @cyrptokannon on applying markdowns should here Click.

The Human Eye is the issue for discussion.

Human being is made up of five (5) sense organs with different unique functions that are interconnected which controls our body functions and mechanism, without which life will not be worth living. The table below shows these sense Organs and their various functions:

Sense OrgansFunctions
EarsHearing or Audioception
TongueTaste or Gustaoception
EyesSight or Ophthalmoception
NoseSmell or Olfalcoception
SkinTouch or Tactioception

Besides the above listed sense organs, are two other that help to familiarise us with the world. They are the Vestibular System and Proprioception system.
The Vestibular System acts as a sensory system of the body also responsible for the transmission of information to the brain about the motions, spatial orientation and head position and also involved with motor functions and helps in the maintenance of body posture and balance, stabilizing the head and body during movement. Thus, the vestibular system is necessary for normal movement and equilibrium. The Proprioception system assist the body to have a strong affinity with the muscles, limbs and joints that are located in 3D space and as well the direction it is moving in connection to the body.

The focus is on the human eyes

The human eye is a sense organ which reacts to light and allows vision. The cone and rod and cells which is located in the retina are photoreceptive cells that are able to detect visible light and transfer this information to the brain. The Eyes signal information that is used by the brain to educe the perception of shape, colour, movement, depth and some other features. The eye is part of the sensory nervous system hence also controls body's balance and gravity.

Some Parts of The Eye And Their Functions

The Orbit
The eye is enclosed in the orbit or socket, that is made up of parts of the skull bones forming a four-sided pyramid, to protect the eye from mechanical injury.

The Eyelids
It is necessarily important that the eyeball's front surface, the cornea, remain slightly wet. This is achieved by the eyelids, of which at the time of waking cleanse the secretions of the lacrimal apparatus and other glands over the surface at steady intervals and which during sleep cover the eyes preventing evaporation.

The conjunctiva
The lids are lined by the conjunctiva lines the and it bends back across the surface of the eyeball, making up an outer covering to the anterior part of this and finishing at the cornea(transparent region of the eye).

The Fibrous Layer
The fibrous layer, gives the lid the mechanical stability it has, and is made up of the thick, and somewhat rigid, tarsal plates, creating a border in a straightforward way on the palpebral aperture, and lots of thinner palpebral fascia, or layer of connexive tissue; together the two are called the septum orbitale.

The Lids Muscles
The closure of the lids is accomplished by the contraction of the orbicularis muscle, a sole oval sheet of muscle stretching from the regions of the forehead and face and surrounding the orbit into the lids.

The skin
The farthest outside layer of the lid is the skin, with physical constituents not greatly varying from the skin on the rest of the body, with the feasible exception of large pigment cells, which, notwithstanding found elsewhere, are indefinitely large numerically in the skin of the lids.

Some Common Eye Problem And Possible Remedies

Many people have issues with thier eye at one time or another. Some are of them being minor will go away on their own, and or are easy to cure at home. Others being serious require the attention of a specialist.

This can be caused by long hours of reading or working at a computer or any other screen. It can also be as a result of long distant driving. The remedy is to give the eye some time off but consult a doctor if it persist.

Red Eyes
This is a situation where the surface of the eye is covered in blood vessels which expand when irritated or infected. It gives the eyes a red look.
Red eye can be caused by eyestrain, late night, lack of sleep, or allergies. It can also be caused by injury or may be a symptom of another condition, such as conjunctivitis. Red eye can be taken care of using over-the-counter eye drops, but the attention of is necessary if it continues.

Night Blindness
This is the inability to see at night or in dark places. This a symptom and not a problem in its own. Causes of night blindness include cataract, nearsightedness, keratoconus, and lack of vitamin A. Some are as a result of usually untreatable degenerative diseases involving the retina, most people are born with it. Notwithstanding, all these can be fixed by a doctor.

Colourblindness occurs when the eye colour cell
is - the cone cell - is absent or not functioning. It is the inability to see certain colours distinguish between them. Men are much prone to this issue, some are born with it and other are caused by certain drugs and diseases.
The doctor can carry out diagnoses it with a simple test. There may be no treatment in a situation where one is born with it, however, special contacts and glasses can be helpful for some people to distinguish between certain colors.

This is a situation in which one looses the ability to clearly see close objects and small prints, irrespective of good distance vision.
LASIK; which is laser eye surgery, contact lenses, reading glasses, and other procedures may be used in restoring good reading vision.

Cataract is a disease of the eye, a cloudy area that develop in the eye lens causing its opacity and, unless treated, lead to blindness. Cathay often develope slowly without causing symptoms such as redness, pain or tearing in the eye. A few stay small and don't affect the sight. Nevertheless, if they do progress and vision is affected, surgery is always the remedy.

This is a characteristic optic neuropathy, or possibly, the disease of the optic nerve, which if untreated, lead to damage of the eye optic disc android apps resultant visual field loss as a result of lack of communication between the retina and the brain, which can lead to blindness. Though it doesn't occur often, glaucoma can be caused by:

  • Blocked blood vessels
  • An injury to the eye
  • Inflammatory disorders of the eye

Eye drops, prescription or surgery serves for the treatment of glaucoma.

Retinal Disorders
The retina is a thin lining on the back of the eye which is made up of cells that gather images together and pass them on to the brain. Retinal disorder is able to damage the retinal cells and prevent this transfer. The following are the different types:

  • Age-related macular degeneration: This refers to a breakdown of a small part of the retina called the macula.

  • Diabetic retinopathy: This is the damage on the blood vessels in the retina resulting from diabetes.

  • Retinal detachment: Thistle occurs when the retina is separated from the layer below.

Getting early diagnosis is very important to have these treated.

Care of The Eye

There are great number of ways and things to do in order to take care of the eye, the following are some of them:

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Eating fruits and vegetables, fishes like halibut, tuna, and salmon which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, can be of help to the eyes.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Overweight or obesity increases the chances of diabetes and diabetes puts one at risk of having glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy.
  • Get regular exercise. Exercise can assist in preventing or controling, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. These very diseases may result to some eye or vision problems. So regularly exercise can mitigate the risk of getting these eye and/or vision problems.
  • Wear sunglasses. Exposure to sun can cause damages to the eyes and increase the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. The eye should be protected by using sunglasses that obstruct 99 to 100% of both UV-A and UV-B radiation.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking raises the chances of developing age-related eye diseases like cataracts, macular degeneration and can as well damage the optic nerve.
  • Know your family medical history. Some eye diseases are hereditary in nature, therefore it is important to discover if there is one in the bloodline. This can help to ascertain if one is at risk of developing an eye disease.
  • Give your eyes a rest.


Whether one's vision isn’t what it formerly was, or at no time was that great, the truth is, there are things one can do to have his/her eye health back on track. Above all, everyone needs to have their eyesight tested as regularly as possible to check for eye and vision problems.

Receiving a thorough dilated eye exams is especially of great importance because most eye diseases may not have warning signs. The exams are the only possible best way to discover these problems or diseases in their beginning stages, when they can easily be treated.

Thanks a lot for reading through my post.

This achievement 4 task has made me more conversant with the use of Markdown applications. A big thanks to you @cryptokannon, @whitestallion, and @focusnow for your unceasing support.


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