Contest - Balanced diet

in Healthy Steem16 hours ago (edited)

Hello, lovely friends. Today I'm here to take part in @suboohi's Healthy Steem Community contest. Many people around the world do not care about their meals, and some eat fast food as part of their diets. Mothers in our world are busy these days with earning money, therefore they have tried to supply their children with instant foods such as noodles. But, as parents, I feel we must be cautious about our children's diets from the time they are infants. Only then we will be able to provide a healthy person to the world.

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What do you understand by a balanced diet?

A well-balanced diet, in my opinion, contains a variety of foods in the correct quantities to keep our bodies healthy. Fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy provide the nutrients we need to function our bodies well. We can protect our bodies from illness as the vitamins and minerals are high in fruits and vegetables. Energy gives our body with grain products like rice, chickpeas, and others. Food like fish, meat, beans, and eggs are high in proteins which help us to repair our muscles. We also need to use them in proper quantities. We must limit junk food and sugary meals, as these are known to create health concerns. For a balanced diet drinking more water is essential. So, to maintain our bodies strong, vibrant, and healthy, we must consume a well-balanced diet.

Effects of diet on overall health.

Our diet helps us to stay healthy. When we eat a balanced diet it will help to boost our immunity system. Furthermore, a balanced diet helps to safeguard us from various illnesses. For example, vitamin C in oranges helps us to keep our skin healthy, while calcium in dairy products helps us to strengthen our bones. On the other hand, eating too much junk food and sugary food leads us to a variety of health issues such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even mood disorders. However, consuming essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates in our bodies will help us to stay healthy.

What diet do you prefer for your health care? And why?

As a Sri Lankan, I prefer a diet of traditional foods as well as a variety of healthy foods. Sri Lankan meals naturally consist of rice, vegetables, and spices all of which are very good for overall health. Therefore, I mostly include plenty of vegetables in my diet, especially salad. Furthermore, I make sure to include dhal curry, fish, eggs, or meat in our meals because they are high in essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, I use natural fruits such as mango, papaya, pineapple, avocado, banana, watermelon, rambutan, mangosteen, wood apple, guava, pomegranate, and jackfruits as sources of energy and to maintain my body strong. I am aware that proteins are very important to my body, are a good source of healthy fats, and help to maintain heart health. As a result, I include fish in all of my diets because it is widely available in my country, and I occasionally add chicken or eggs to break the monotony of my meal plan. I like to consume brown rice or red rice more than white rice because it contains more fiber and help me control my weight.

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Any diet suggestion on your experience that makes you healthy.

From my experience, a simple and balanced diet will help to stay healthy. Not only that, I focus on eating a variety of foods from every food group. Carrots, spinach, and pumpkin are high in vitamins and minerals, so I prefer to add them to our regular meals.

I would like to recommend herbal porridge, which generally helps to keep our bodies healthy. It's a particularly specific diet for breakfast. It also prepare in a variety of tastes, such as replacing rice with sargo, semolina flour, ginger and garlic, and so on. I enjoy changing the flavors every time when preparing porridge. Therefore I add above mentioned varieties.

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Thank you for reading my post.


That sounds very delicious you have included so many tropical fruits, we do not have such variety and also if they are available then they are not so juicy and do not have such natural sweet taste, at least that is what my colleagues from Sri Lanka here mentioned.

Herbal porridge sound very interesting, especially with ginger that gives its specific taste, may try to taste it :)

 42 minutes ago 

Sri Lanka is known for its abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, but our rulers are still not using all our resources. As a result, our kids have had to leave the country to work while studying.
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Curated by : @josepha
 16 hours ago (edited)

Thank you very much for your instant curation award @josepha. Have a nice day.

 8 hours ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.

 48 minutes ago 

You are welcome my friend.