STEEM Up More Than 200% and Hive is Attracting Major Awareness In the Crypto Space - The LEO Show #25

in SteemLeo5 years ago

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We’re officially about 19 hours away from the Hive launch as I put the finishing touches on this upload and write this post.

The STEEM price has rallied to an insane degree. Going up as much as 200% and currently holding at about +88% on the day. STEEM rallied from $0.12 to now $0.33 and climbing.

We’re seeing an incredible amount of volume on the exchanges and we’re also seeing an incredible amount of attention in the crypto space. Several crypto KOLs (key opinion leaders) including Vitalik Buterin have tweeted about the Steem & Hive situation in support of the community moving to Hive.

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Vitalik said he’s keeping a close eye on Steem & Hive and if Hive overtakes Steem in terms of market cap/general usage, then it will be an amazing testament to decentralized communities and the inability for people like Justin Sun to buy a community.

The Steem and Now Hive Community are charting new territories. We are testing the waters and we are paving the path for future decentralized communities.

I’m so happy to have a front-row seat to such a fascinating situation. It’s stressful and there are plenty of long hours, but this community is worth it and the reward waiting for us as we buidl our community going forward can’t go understated.

In This Episode:

  • STEEM Up 200% on News of Hardfork and Upcoming Airdrop for HIVE Tokens
  • Major Volume Increase for STEEM
  • Massive Bump In Press & Attention From The Crypto Space, Including Vitalik Buterin
  • Binance & Other Exchanges Are Honoring The Airdrop
  • Several Exchanges Have Announced Listings for HIVE/BTC
  • Anyx Node and Other Key Apps/Infrastructure Announce the Move to Hive
  • Justin is Buying Up STEEM and Moving to Exchanges to Get HIVE. Is This a Potential Threat to Hive?

Links Mentioned:

Our Community is an online community for crypto & financial content creators, powered by Steem and the LEO token economy.

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You don't think this STEEM pump was just Justin paying his market makers and looking to sell at the top some of the SINMS? I mean it was $.40 and now it's $.28... It's a classic PnD

Posted via Steemleo

Exacly @shanghaipreneur

Friend of mine suggested, that it could be Justin purchasing a lot on some of his proxy accounts. Knowing that he will get large amount of new HIVE token. Knowing also that witnesses will be powering down and trading steem to HIVE. So he could sell his HIVE tokens, earning quite a decent amount of money. Knowing that demand for HIVE token will be very high in upcoming days.

It's going to be an interesting twist/finale to the whole saga. It will now be a community chain vs a centralised chain. I wonder if JS will just kill steem now and port it to tron like he originally intended to, I mean without the witness resistance he can pretty much do as he likes now

I feel like his out of his depth on this one and doesn't understand decentralisation, he just wants the fame and money that comes with playing in this space but not commit to any of the ideals

Pretty sure steemit will turn into a reward farming platform without people who give a shit and Justin pandering to spammers and willing to take any user with a pulse

Hi @chekohler

Pretty sure steemit will turn into a reward farming platform without people who give a shit and Justin pandering to spammers and willing to take any user with a pulse

Quite possible and very unfortunate :(

Pretty sure steemit will turn into a reward farming platform...

Oh, do you mean a FREE-MARKET?

...without people who give a shit...

Right, without self-appointed-busybody-vigilantes (milking ned's delegations) vandalizing personal profiles with "blacklists" and censoring them with downvotes, some might actually "live or die" on their own merits.

It's funny how all that @free-reign and @laissez-faire idealism and rhetoric evaporates the moment somebody is declared "untrustworthy" (whatever that means).

Click to watch 58 seconds,

Can you clarify my doubt Steem leo moving on Hive blockchain or staying on steem blockchain ?

Posted via Steemleo

And wtf is going on with the price? who is buying right now?

Drama = Press Coverage

Press Coverage = Consumer Awareness

Consumer Awareness = Price Boost

The same kinda thing happened when all the mainstream-media started suddenly reporting about bitcoin breaking the $10,000.00 mark for the first time, THE NEWS ITSELF drew in hoards of newbz which drove the value over $19,000.00 before they all got spooked out.

Then THE PRESS declared that "the crash" (which they caused) "proved" that bitcoin is a "scam" (even though the price settled at about $7,000.00, which is about SEVEN TIMES what it was a few months prior.

What will happen with the tokens of the steem engine? Is there any equivalence in Hive??

I think it has to do with wether steemengine decides to switch for hive or not.
Most likely they will.

Take all I say carefully as I'm pretty new to Steem and don't understand how everything works with this blockchain. But that's what sounds logical to me and I think I saw some information about that too.

It definitely looks like a pump and dump scenario! Lots of people are also maximizing for the token swap, I think the price of Hive will surpass the price of Steem.

indeed @cmplxty

that it could be Justin purchasing a lot on some of his proxy accounts. Knowing that he will get large amount of new HIVE token. Which he could dump within upcoming days. Not only creating selling pressure but also earning some decent $$$

I would do that if I were him.


Steem in hand of Justin Sun become a pump and dump center...

Dear @khaleelkazi

Recent spike in price of steem has been incredible. Surely more than I expected.

I wonder if we will witness huge dump right after airdrop on new HIVE chain will take place.

Friend of mine suggested, that it could be Justin purchasing a lot on some of his proxy accounts. Knowing that he will get large amount of new HIVE token. Knowing also that witnesses will be powering down and trading steem to HIVE. So he could sell his HIVE tokens, earning quite a decent amount of money. Knowing that demand for HIVE token will be very high in upcoming days.

The truth is, that if old witnesses will power down right away and dump their steem - then they may damage part of Justin investment and make him lose out little bit. But it's most likely just a small % of his porfolio.
At the same time all of us, those who invested their live savings into steem will suffer the most. Our investment will be crushed, without much of a chance to do anything about it :(

In my opinion blocktrades and other large accounts, who will build their fortune on migrating community to new HIVE chain - they should wait a bit with dumping their steem tokens. To allow others to do it as well. Just my 2cents.

Yours, Piotr

Dear @khaleelkazi

Recent spike in price of steem has been incredible. Surely more than I expected.

Friend of mine suggested, that it could be Justin purchasing a lot on some of his proxy accounts. Knowing that he will get large amount of new HIVE token. Knowing also that witnesses will be powering down and trading steem to HIVE. So he could sell his HIVE tokens, earning quite a decent amount of money. Knowing that demand for HIVE token will be very high in upcoming days.


I wonder if we will witness and large stakeholders will dump their STEEM right after airdrop on new HIVE chain will take place.

The truth is, that if old witnesses will power down right away and dump their steem - then they may damage part of Justin investment and make him lose out little bit. But it's most likely just a small % of his porfolio.
At the same time all of us, those who invested their live savings into steem will suffer the most. Our investment will be crushed, without much of a chance to do anything about it :(

In my opinion blocktrades and other large accounts, who will build their fortune on migrating community to new HIVE chain - they should wait a bit with dumping their steem tokens. To allow others to do it as well. Just my 2cents.

Yours, Piotr

What we have to expect about our funds on steem? do you suggest to withdrawal?