Thirty ninth Week as a Steem Representative - CW 22

in Steem POD Team4 months ago (edited)

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Photo by @ty-ty

Deutsch im Anschluß...

Dear Steemians and Dear Steemit Team!

It's been over a month since my last report. There are good reasons for this: I have been and still am very busy - with my job, the renovation of our future house and a few other family commitments outside of work. None of this is anything special in itself, but in the concentrated form in which I'm currently experiencing it, it's overwhelming me in terms of time.

Well, I don't think that's a bad thing either. I just wouldn't have considered it appropriate if I'd come round the corner with a report when a) there was actually nothing tangible to report and b) my own activity wasn't at all representative. Under these circumstances, it would seem rather shabby to submit an alibi report full of banalities and ask for a guaranteed vote.

Nah, I can just keep my mouth shut for a few weeks ;-)) Nevertheless, I had my ear to the ground everywhere and was very happy about the last call for Community Curators in June. Reason for joy: the new rules and criteria are pretty much exactly the same as what I was allowed to try out in Team Freestyle in September 2022: remember, @josevas217? We were able to formulate our own criteria and were not bound by conditions…

I also found the composition of the new teams exciting; I took note of the respective guidelines with great satisfaction. Due to the time constraints mentioned above, I refrained from entering the race again myself, but I was certainly tempted, I'm happy to admit ;-))

And then I take an eager look at the votes awarded in the first few days. With very few exceptions, the attention goes to the same authors as before. What a pity! Maybe I should create my own team after all...? The next few weeks will show ;-))

Other than that, it remains for me to say that I have of course published my own posts and have been curating and interacting from my private as well as the Community and Charity Accounts of the Dream Steem Community throughout.



Our regular ‘Keyword of the Week’ contest leads to an increasing number of very creative and individual contributions. Some of our very skilled writers, who already have writing experience both offline and on other online literary portals, continue to enjoy publishing within Dream Steem because they feel quite at home there. Unfortunately, they lack proper recognition in the form of higher votes. I would be pleased if these were not only focussed on competition entries...

To finish off today, I'd like to say that I think it's time to tackle the first Dream Steem book publication. I announced this idea when our Community was founded and will soon report on exactly what I have in mind ;-))

Yours @weisser-rabe


Deutsche Version:

Liebe Steemians und liebes Steemit Team!

Schon über ein Monat ist vergangen seit meinem letzten Bericht. Das hat gute Gründe: ich war und bin sehr beschäftigt – mit meinem Job, der Sanierung unseres künftigen Hauses und ein paar familiären Verpflichtungen außer der Reihe. Das ist alles für sich genommen nichts Besonderes, aber in der geballten Form in der ich es gerade erlebe, überfordert es mich zeitlich.

Nun, auch das finde ich gar nicht schlimm. Ich hätte es nur als nicht angemessen betrachtet, wenn ich mit einem Report um die Ecke gekommen wäre, während es a) eigentlich nichts Handfestes zu berichten gab und b) meine eigene Aktivität so gar nicht repräsentativ war. Unter den Voraussetzungen käme es mir recht schäbig vor, einen Alibi-Bericht voller Banalitäten einzureichen und um ein dafür immerhin garantiertes Vote zu ersuchen.

Nee, ich kann auch 'mal ein paar Wochen einfach die Klappe halten ;-)) Ich hatte trotzdem überall „mein Ohr an der Wand“ und freute mich sehr über die letzte Ausschreibung für die Community Kuratoren im Juni. Grund der Freude: die neuen Regeln und Kriterien entsprechen ziemlich genau dem, was ich in Team Freestyle im September 2022 schon ausprobieren durfte: erinnerst Du Dich, @josevas217? Wir konnten unsere eigenen Kriterien formulieren und waren nicht an Bedingungen gebunden…

Die Zusammenstellung der neuen Teams fand ich ebenfalls spannend; ich nahm die jeweiligen Guidelines sehr zufrieden zur Kenntnis. Aus den oben erwähnten Zeitgründen habe ich davon Abstand genommen, selber noch einmal ins Rennen zu gehen, aber ich war durchaus in Versuchung, das gebe ich gerne zu ;-))

Und dann schaue ich mir gespannt die in den ersten Tagen vergebenen Votes an. Bis auf ganz wenige Ausnahmen geht die Aufmerksamkeit an die gleichen Autoren wie zuvor. So schade! Vielleicht sollte ich doch ein eigenes Team…? Die nächsten Wochen werden es wohl zeigen ;-))

Ansonsten bleibt mir zu sagen, daß ich natürlich eigene Beiträge veröffentlicht habe und durchgehend von meinem privaten sowie den Community und Charity Accounts der Dream Steem Community kuratiert und interagiert habe.



Unser regelmäßiger „Schlüsselwort der Woche“ Wettbewerb führt zu einer steigenden Anzahl sehr kreativer und individueller Beiträge. Einige unserer sehr geübten Autoren, die bereits über schriftstellerische Erfahrungen sowohl offline als auch auf anderen literarischen online-Portalen verfügen, veröffentlichen weiterhin gerne innerhalb von Dream Steem, weil sie sich dort recht gut aufgehoben fühlen. Die richtige Würdigung in Form der höheren Votes bleibt hier leider noch aus. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn diese sich nicht nur auf Wettbewerbsbeiträge fokussieren würden…

Abschließend bleibt mir für heute zu sagen, daß es aus meiner Sicht an der Zeit ist, die erste Dream Steem Buchveröffentlichung in Angriff zu nehmen. Ich hatte diese Idee bei der Gründung unserer Community angekündigt und werde demnächst darüber berichten, was mir genau vorschwebt ;-))

Euer @weisser-rabe

 4 months ago 

Hello @weisser-rabe, the truth is that I remember that experience with the Team Freestyle quite well, it was a very good experience, and that freedom of being able to establish some rules, which are not necessarily the constants, allowed me to discover some users who They generally go unnoticed for not being in the club, or for not complying with many other rules.

Anyway, there is definitely something that can be improved, if what you really want is for the authors to not only arrive but to remain, that priority given to content such as diaries in the curatorship should not continue to be so present, because although it is true that these scripts, due to their HIGHEST ease* of carrying out, are the gateway to many who do not consider that they can contribute anything more than that, the reality is that each human being has much more to contribute, more beyond telling the story that he ate in the morning or in the afternoon, or that he was without electricity...

The details are that, as I always say, you can make a post about engineering or medicine, nursing, or a good post about a chef, or about someone who is involved in an environment that can show interesting things, but it is not valued, That means that many arrive and soon leave, or that they have to fall into making content that contributes nothing, that is, they put that creative force aside and settle for falling into that "I got up, I was grateful to life for another day, I had breakfast, I had lunch, I went out, I came home and went to sleep", mono topics that add up to absolutely nothing. But it is the most supported. I don't know, I think it's something that is quite difficult to combat, for some reason this newspaper culture was established, and it has remained almost the only way to get big votes.

Without a doubt "there are things to improve"... ​​thanks for the mention. By the way, good work in your community, inspiring and allowing users to create different content, is the basic idea of ​​this platform, at least it was that way at the beginning, but something has happened... we continue.

Hola @weisser-rabe, la verdad es que recuerdo bastante bien esa experiencia con el Team Freestyle, fue una experiencia muy buena, y esa libertad de poder establecer algunas reglas, que no son necesariamente las constantes permitió descubrir algunos usuarios que generalmente pasan desapercibidos por no estar en club, o por no cumplir otras tantas reglas.

En fin, definitivamente hay cosa que pueden mejorar, si lo que en realidad se quiere es que los autores no sólo lleguen sino que permanezcan, esa prioridad que se da a contenidos como diarios en la curaduría no debe seguir tant presente, proque si bien es cierto que estos escirtos, por su ALTÍSIMA facilidad* de realizar son la puerta de entrada a muchos que no consideran que pueden aportar nada más que eso, la realidad es que cada ser humano tiene mucho más que aportar, más allá de echar el cuento de que comió en la mañana o en a tarde, o que estaba sin energía electrica...

EL detalles es que, como siempre digo, se puede hacer un post de ingeniería o de medicina, enfermería, o un buen post de un chef, o de alguien que está metido en un entorno que puede mostrar cosas interesantes, pero no es valorado, eso hace que muchos lleguen y al poco tiempo se marchen, o que tengan que caer en hacer contenido que no aporte nada, es decir, esa fuerza creativa la dejan a un lado y se conforman con caer en eso de "Me levanté, agradecí a la vida por otro día más, desayune, almorcé, salí, llegué a casa y a dormir", mono temas que no suman absolutamente nada. Pero es lo más apoyado. No sé, creo que es algo que es bastante difícil de combatir, por alguna razón se instauró esta cultura de los diarios, y se ha quedado como casi la única forma de conseguir grandes votos.

duda alguna "hay cosas que mejorar"... gracias por la mención. Por cierto, Buen trabajo en tu comunidad, inspirando y permitiendo que los usuarios creen contenido diferente, es la idea base de esta plataforma, al menos lo fue así en su inicio, pero algo ha pasado... seguimos.

 4 months ago 

Thank you very much for your kind and thoughtful words. We feel the same and are not alone in this. If we don't want to keep waiting for these improvements to happen, we have to take them into our own hands ;-))

 4 months ago (edited)

I aimed to curate good and unique content. But I found it realllly hard to find the content that I wanted to curate.

95% of the content is either diaries or challenges. I'm sure there are great posts under those monotonous titles but the repetitive titles don't catch my attention or intrigue me to read what's inside.

The rest 5% who stand out are mostly those who are not contributing to the ecosystem. I mean I don't mind if you are not in a club or don't have CSI above 5. Even if you are doing a power down, that's okay. But no votes or comments at all? Or only self-voting?

If you are a newbie, I exempt you from everything. Otherwise, you need to at least interact with fellow authors if you want them to reciprocate.

I had to re-think how far I could spread the wings of freedom, turns out there's a limit.

I looked into your community. The content I liked was already voted on. But I'm happy to look again. That Indian writer sounds promising.

What people don't realize that it's so easy to stand out in the crowd of diary writers and challenge participants. I wish to see great authors because I'm only going for effort and value.

 4 months ago 

There are now some wonderful initiatives from @jaynie, @wakeupkitty.pal or @dove11 dedicated to tracking down good and unknown authors.

I also find it quite helpful to search for specific tags (ambitious authors tag in terms of their texts, not in terms of clubs or languages).

The fact is that it is a pity for every good writer who first discovers the Steem and then leaves it again - unobserved...

Thanks for the mention @weisser-rabe and for highlighting the posts by @steemitbloggers and @theluvbug :) I really do try my best to not only find new people floating around the space... but also to highlight some of the seasoned writers here, who often deserve a lot more traction than they get (in my opinion anyway).

The fact is that it is a pity for every good writer who first discovers the Steem and then leaves it again - unobserved...

This is a sad reality indeed - and in fact, it was almost me seven years ago haha!! But I am a stubborn little wench so I kept on at it haha! Glad I did :)

 4 months ago 

I'm glad, too ;-)))

 4 months ago (edited)

The fact is that it is a pity for every good writer who first discovers the Steem and then leaves it again - unobserved...

The Demotivation

A writer writes for the audience. No audience, no motivation!

Admit it or not, the votes are a significant indicator that your work is being read. It doesn't matter if it truly is or not. When one has a marker to compare how others are being upvoted vehemently and not them...

We have a very talented in our community. But I seldom see her being supported. Her posts are becoming scarce. The result, she may lose the motivation to write... And may stop altogether...

So much truth in this @soulfuldreamer! There are actually MANY talented writers around here who simply don't get seen or "read" - and that is really unfortunate, but ironically, I have actually been thinking a LOT about this lately... the whole space in fact, because there is just so much potential lying right at our feet.

Not everybody has it in them to self motivate, self promote or even have the will or drive to network in order to build up some form of community around themselves - but it is a necessity - and would be the same for any writer, anywhere in the world. There is no reality where one can just "write" and expect the readers to "roll in" - and that in essence is half the problem, because people are expectant to some degree that if they write (here specifically) that if it is good it should be rewarded.

That is a fools paradise. What people need to do more of is imagine that there were no large curators around the space... this would shift their focus entirely onto building and shaping their own community - and that is not even necessarily limited to "here".

Write for the sake of writing. Read for the sake of reading and nothing else. The rewards are an added plus. I suppose... and not unlike what they say about success in life "if you chase money, you will never get it, but if you chase your passion - the money will come".

To my mind, the focus has been placed too much on the money - so people come here, share their writing, don't become overnight millionaires and then shrug their shoulders and leave. The same goes for the reading... People dont want to go and read other peoples content because for many of them... it is not even why they are here... they are here for the reward. so it is a flawed food chain in my opinion.

People need to come here for the writing and nothing else. I am not saying that the rewards don't matter... because obviously they are an intrinsic aspect of it all - but people just need to re-order their priorities is what I am trying to say... with an awful lot of waffling in between haha!!! :D

If we cultivated a space for writers to come and write and readers to come and read - the entire ecosystem would start to shift. Which I know is PRECISELY what many of the GOOD people around here are doing... we just need to encourage a WHOLE LOT more of THAT magic :)

Anyhoooo I shall shut up now lol :D

I have gatecrashed this thread haha!

 4 months ago 

You have upgraded this thread!

I agree with you 99 percent. But that one percent is still a big liability. I also write for the sake of writing. It's addictive for me. I used to write before Steemit as well, but I didn't have a wider audience or readers. So, I understand what you are implying, dear. But you do know that voters are also a big factor. The author that I have pointed out is much, much older, so I can safely quote her as an example. It's not that she came, didn't find support, and left. My point here is that she may have felt she wasn't getting noticed or read, hence the lack of motivation.

we just need to encourage a WHOLE LOT more of THAT magic :)

True, very true. There is no other way around it!

The author that I have pointed out is much, much older, so I can safely quote her as an example. It's not that she came, didn't find support, and left. My point here is that she may have felt she wasn't getting noticed or read, hence the lack of motivation. :)

Oh, yes, I totally understand - but I was not specifically referring to her. I was talking generally.

But you do know that voters are also a big factor.

Of course and I did state that :)

There is no other way around it!

Well you know what they say....Where there is a will, there is a way!

Hope you have a beautiful Thursday sweetie!

Much love @soulfuldreamer <3

 4 months ago 

We have the same one in mind I think. We will try to change it ;-))

I am almost sure!

 4 months ago 

Jaynie's compilation is always already covered by some curator. It's good. Haven't checked what others are doing. Yet.

And I do check specific tags. In fact, I think I only do that and desperately jump into the communities as a last resort.

There are not many posts in the niche tags. Very few. And It's hard to find quality there too. I had a feeling they were demotivated only. I give some encouraging votes where I see potential, hoping for them to do better and more.

Unfortunately, we lost a good authentic newbie very soon. He had potential but he wasn't received well by the community and now he thinks this place is too complicated to continue.

I had to re-think how far I could spread the wings of freedom, turns out there's a limit.

I second! I had to retract a vote or two. There is definitely a limit to this new freedom. I feel you. Every single word!!!

It's easier said than done

Why is it a newbie is exempt from everything? A newbie can post 4-5 times a week, freely read, upvote 10x plus comment on a few posts.

 4 months ago 

Why is it a newbie is exempt from everything?

Because they are newbies. They are in learning phase which is quite overwhelming if they don't have right mentors. If they don't do any of these things in the start, it's okay. We should be supportive and help them to learn the ways of steem. (:

That is at least a way better start than most of us old Steemians had 👍🍀💕

It was my first time curating, and I must admit that every post I found unique was already being curated. I never imagined it would be so hard to curate. I had to retract a vote or two because the author was contributing nothing to the system—no engagement whatsoever. Only then did I realize it was definitely not an easy task.

Yes, I curated diaries, but I tried my best to upvote those that had something tangible to offer. I admit, with an open heart, that it was incredibly hard to find good posts. First, because I wanted to curate some new and deserving authors, and second, because I couldn't find the small authors with something different to offer! I did upvote some usuals because their content was really good!

Maybe you could come up with a team. I would really like to see it.

P.S: I like your shoes a little too much...

 4 months ago 

Oh oh - I'm not giving these away! The most comfortable shoes I've ever had!

Yes, I know that the job of a curator is difficult, i.e. above all time-consuming and disappointing over long stretches. You approach it with the right attitude! I hope you can find and promote a few talents!

Oh oh - I'm not giving these away! The most comfortable shoes I've ever had!

I could sense it even from just half of the image. Comfort over everything, any day.

You approach it with the right attitude!

I do hope so...

Please I want these ;)

 4 months ago 

Nope ;-)))


What about the ice-cream then?

 4 months ago 

We can talk about that. When I've finished eating ;-))

I keep searching for stories. Most of them have <50. Some turn out to be old Steemians and the only way to find them is by searching in less known communities, using old tags, not those of contests, no soul would search for them.

In my community I only collect stories (storywriters) and hope the others will join Dream Steem or the freewriters.
I do not collect poems unless I see a story in it.

Good luck with the renovation and all the business.


 4 months ago 

I think you're going about it in a very good way and helping authors to get opportunities. We'll just see that we get a bit more visibility now; for me it's unacceptable that good writers get less recognition than... the others.

Same here I hope they will find the way and post in a community meant for story writers. It might take long to find them (busy busy) but they are there and should know there are sameminded.

A part does not even use 1 tag.


Life is life.
In the summer, our vital activity increases, there are many different things to do. A house, renovation or modernization, always takes a lot of effort and time. I have been in this state myself since the construction of the house began in 2007. We moved into the house in 2014, but something always needs to be fixed or made new.
Last year, my daughter and son-in-law also bought land and are engaged in its development. And they're asking me to help them. I give up all my business and go to them to help them.
The eldest son bought the house 3 years ago and is also engaged in its improvement. But he manages on his own, and he has 2 assistants, his sons.
The middle son said - I will not build a house for myself, we will live in an apartment. But his wife has not yet expressed her opinion on this matter. :) He is a military man, he is not thinking about his own permanent home yet. They want to return to live in their hometown, with me or with their daughter-in-law's parents. But I tell them that they need to look for a better region to live in than ours, to go to a city closer to Moscow, to a milder climate. But mentally I think it would be very good if my son lived near us.

 4 months ago 

Oh, my children also live all over the world; it would be nice if we could see each other more often...

+100500 😂

I agree with you 200% and even more.

Among the few steem rep reports I’ve read this week, I knew your own would always be different and relatable. Thanks for the updating us about the community curators.. the new criteria you talked about, can I get the link, so I could read it up?

 4 months ago 

Thanks, friend ;-))

Of course; these are written down in the last announcement of open applications...

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 4 months ago 

I don't think your comment has anything to do with my post or with me personally. Is that necessary?

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