Desperately Want To Know

in Freewriters5 days ago (edited)


What Do I See?

I see someone just like me, who's desperately seeking to know what the future holds for him: will his dream ever come true? Will there be any misfortune? How far will he go in life?

What Do I Feel?

O, Anxiety. Curiosity. Restlessness and Desperation. I just want to know.

What Would Tomorrow Be

"Seer, Seer, tell me, what do you see?
–what will my tomorrow be?"

"O desperate Seeker,
when shall you find rest
for your rippling soul, and
from your incessant quest?"

"Tell me Seer. I just want to know"

"Tomorrow will not come in a haste;
no one can speed the chime:
you only have yourself to tame
dear Seeker, 'one day at a time'."

 4 days ago 

Awesome post. Captured the mood of a seeker very nicely...

Thank you so much. Your comment means a lot.